Yea, yea, yea. It's all Real Housewives of This and Real Housewives of That, but have you ever heard of the RHOBH companion show, Vanderpump Rules? Well, if you haven't, it's the best show on TV right now, hands down. Everyone who watches it becomes OBSESSED. Keep reading to find out why! (And for all you Vanderpump fans out there reading, you know that this is the show that keeps on giving.)
1. The DRAMA
2. Everyone is so BEAUTIFUL and SEXY
3. Lisa Vanderpump is a GODDESS
Not once does a gloomy cold descend on this friend group (at least weather-wise). Instead, it’s short shorts and endless sunshine, even when insults are being hurled at one another.
5. Stassi, the QUEEN B
The things that come out of her perfectly lined lips are insane. Direct quote: “I want to wrap a dildo in acid and give it to her as a present so that it tears out her insides.” Another quote for giggles: “I am the Devil. And don’t you ever forget it.”
Whether it's watching Tom and Katie finally get married, Jax clean up animal poop with Brittany, or Tom and Ariana do their hair together, the amount of love in the air is all consuming. Until someone decides to cheat. But love is love is love!
8. The DOGS
9. JAX!
We thought he could never one up chunky sweater, but he never fails to surprise us. What will Jax Taylor do next?
10. You can't make this SHI* UP!
You really can't.
Honestly, if I haven't convinced you by now that this is the best show ever, then I guess you'll just have to watch the show and decide for yourself. Every Monday night at 9/8 c on Bravo TV.