Going into my first semester, college and the life I was about to step into was completely foreign to me. It was something that I always knew would eventually come, but as the days of summer became less and fall snuck up on me, I completely avoided even the thought of college. It never registered in my brain that I was actually moving out. It never occurred to me that my best friends were not going to be just five minutes down the road or that my little brother was not going to be in the next room over from me to go annoy whenever I got bored. "Summer camp," I thought. "You're just going to summer camp." While most of my friends eagerly counted down the days until freedom, I clung onto senior year and my last high school summer and the memories I was making like a little kid holding onto their blanket. Eventually, however, time won, and, as you can imagine, college hit me like a truck. Like a really big truck.
Although considering how lost I was when my first semester began, I have to admit that I have never found myself more than I have this semester. Here's a couple things I learned that I'd like to share:
Life takes effort and self-discipline.
No longer is someone telling you to do your homework, study for that test coming up, to go to church, to clean your room, or the biggest one: No longer is someone telling you to get out of bed and ripping off the covers when you do not. It was honestly terrifying realizing that It is ultimately up to me whether I succeed or fail. I had the choice to either go hangout until late or to study for that test coming up. I had the choice to make it to my eight a.m. or to sleep in. I realized I had the responsibility to make decisions that would define my character. Which is like. huge.
This ain't high school sista.
This is a good and sad thing. I absolutely loved high school, but just like anything, It was not all butterflies and rainbows. College has taught me that you do not have to let a label define you, and you do not have to be your high school self. You can either leave that person behind or you can build onto the person you were. Regardless, majority of the people will not know who you were in high school anyway, so it is an opportunity to start over for many. it is a time for change and the beginning of the search to finding yourself. I had to learn that change is good. You can always recreate yourself, and if you do and you still don't like that person, you can try again. It's kinda awesome in a way.
I've learned that you don't know emotions 'til ya know college!
My first semester brought me so many blessings, but also the feelings of loneliness, frustration, and just the feeling of being lost. Silly things like seeing my family going out to eat without me would upset me. Something that would have never affected me in high school. Deciding on a major can be overwhelming and the uncertainty of my future left me feeling lost and frustrated many times. If you feel any of these things, know you are not alone! It helps to get out of your dorm and talk to others who are most likely feeling the same way. Getting involved is also very helpful, as it gives you a feeling of importance and a community.
I have learned to appreciate phone calls from relatives so much, when before I would rather just shoot my dad a text.
I have learned more than ever the importance of family and loved ones. You do not realize how much you need them until they are no longer right down the hallway. Their encouragement and love becomes so much more appreciated and the time you spend with them at home on the short weekends becomes so special.
I've learned that Social Media is not a reliable source of authenticity.
By that I mean that it is only the highlights. Seeing post of other friends "thriving" on Instagram or Snapchat would make me feel unsuccessful and would beat me down. I had to learn that everything is not what it seems. I am guilty of making my life look mostly glitz and glamour and none of the bad, real stuff, when in reality the highlights of life seem to happen seldom. So, I have learned to embrace the rough, but perfectly imperfect times, and I am working on not covering up my life to try and make it look like I "got it altogether" when in reality the image I am portraying is unattainable!
Time is precious
I can almost guarantee you if you ask any college student about their first semester, they will probably include that "it went by fast." Those almost five months felt like one. I have really started to try to spend my time wisely and not use as much of it watching "Friends" or scrolling on my phone like I am guilty of doing. I'm learning the benefits of getting up a little earlier, spending time being with people and really listening to people, reading and writing, and just investing my time in the little, simple things in life that actually do matter in the end!
These things were not easy, and they aren't that exciting, but they are real. And I am still learning! I either just bored you to death or helped you, but I hope it was the second one! Thank ya for reading!