It is a common flaw among many people to ignore advice provided by those around them who older, and consequently more wise. No matter how valuable that advice is, many prefer to learn from experience rather than simply listening the first time around. If you have trouble learning from experience, as well as listening to advice communicated by your peers, take a look at the knowledge that your favorite artist might have to offer.
“It must be tiring trying so hard to look like you're not really trying at all.” - "Out of the Woodwork," by Courtney Barnett
Not every party needs to be documented through Snapchat. The world does not need to be aware of every move you make. Relax. Nobody really cares, and you’ll save a lot of energy by enjoying yourself for a little while without feeling the urge to prove something. Make memories, they last longer than your 24-hour Snapchat story.
“But you gotta be alone to figure things out sometimes.” - "Wheelhouse," by Kurt Vile
Find comfort in being alone with your own thoughts. Your thoughts have power. Being alone doesn’t mean being lonely. People come and go, things change, so finding solitude in being alone is one of the best things that you can do for yourself.
“Why are we so concerned with endings? We can be happy for a while.” - "Trapped," by Chastity Belt
Everything eventually becomes a memory; let yourself enjoy moments without imagining what the ending will be like. Living in the moment will make you a much happier person.
“That it is not he or she or them or it that you belong to.” - "It’s Alright, Ma (I’m Only Bleeding)," by Bob Dylan
Your thoughts, actions and being solely belong to you; not a single soul can control, or influence you unless you give them that ability. We need to be kind to ourselves, and become the person that we are ultimately destined to be before asking others to join our journey. It is important to always remember Bob Dylan’s lyrics, as well as the words of Nayyirah Waheed, “I am mine before I am ever anyone else’s.”
“I would go out tonight, but I haven't got a stitch to wear, this man said 'It's gruesome that someone so handsome should care.'" - "This Charming Man," by The Smiths
It is simple, your friends are not truly your friends if they care about how you look or dress. The contents of the soul reside so much deeper than the skin’s surface.
“I can live with the sky falling out from above, I can live with your scorn, your sourness, your smug. I can live growing old alone if push comes to shove, but I can't live without my mother's love.” - "I Can’t Live Without My Mother’s Love," by Sun Kil Moon
Your mother will never let you down. Appreciate her, listen to her advice, and never shrink from her grasp. She is filled with knowledge, and her love will never fail.
“Today is the greatest day I've ever known. Can't wait for tomorrow, I might not have that long.” - "Today," by The Smashing Pumpkins
Learn a lesson from every situation, whether it is good or bad. Do not wait for good things to happen to you, make them happen for yourself, because waking up every day is not guaranteed.