As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized that what was once a fun and cute holiday of sharing Valentine’s cards with classmates has now become an “oh-god-I-don’t-have-a-significant-other-get-me-out” holiday.
Everyone always has the same “Valentine’s Day is a card holiday for capitalist dreams” view but I still like giving valentines to all my favorite people. Everyone deserves to feel a little special on this day full of hearts and love. Even if that means sending an E-card to someone or donating money to your favorite charity – just do something!
One of my favorite things is that my mom and I share is a love for “Hearts Day” (as we call it). Freshman year I sent her a little box full of love since I wasn’t home to do so and last year, I sent her origami hearts with little love notes in them. This year, I found the perfect card that said, “paper hug” (she’s really good at giving hugs). It makes me so happy to be able to share the love with her even though I’m 300 miles away from home.
As much as it may suck that I don’t get to share a chocolate dessert on a candlelit table with a significant other, that doesn’t mean I can’t share love with the people in my life. Valentine’s Day for me is such a cute holiday. Everything is pink and red and flowers are everywhere. And candy? Heck yeah, I’ll take some.
The past two years, my roommate and I have spent Valentine’s Day together eating cupcakes. This year, I’m planning on surprising all my roommates with some fun Valentine’s Day crafts. I’m so happy I get to share all this love with people I care so much about (even if it’s not in a romantic way). I even made a playlist for this year, full of flirty, dirty, romantic and "I-don't-need-a-man" anthems. Valentine's Day doesn't have to be strictly about loving others, either. Take some time to do some self-care! Eat chocolate! Be happy!
Whether you call it Galentine’s Day, Palentine’s Day or anything that pleases you, remember that there’s so much love to go around in this world and you should do anything to share it. So what if it’s a holiday that companies use to get more money? So what if you think that love should be shared every day (I discredit this deeply)? Do something nice for someone on the 14th. Hold open the door for someone. Buy coffee for the person behind you. Smile at someone on the street. Spread the love any way you can!