Growing up, I know that kids within my generation that went to public school at least, will remember that one special day in February that we would decorate boxes, bring in valentines for every kid in your class and have a party. You were always the coolest if you had the holographic card with candy attached to it. Back then, Valentine’s Day was about loving everyone.
Now, being an eighteen year old woman, in a very happy relationship for a year this Valentine’s day, I can testify that I have several different views about this day.
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This is one of the worst days of the year.
For most, I’m sure Valentine’s Day is one of the worst days. I know that up until I met Daniel, this day was just another day; but the day after was a glorious day, heading to the store to buy all of the now discounted Valentine’s Day candy. For some it might be a day of heartbreak, maybe their loved one didn’t remain loyal, or they left them. It could even be a day of mourning because this is the first Valentine’s Day without their loved one, or an angry day because their loved one has gotten shipped overseas to fight for a country who doesn’t always respect the fight, or due to a job they have been sent to a different city or state. Whatever the reason those people have to hate this day, I respect them because I understand them.
This is the greatest day of the year.
For those who are in a happy relationship/marriage or just love the concept of the day, Valentine’s Day is great. The girls get spoiled and you go to places you would never go to on any other day of the year, and the feeling of love fills every empty space within your heart for at least one day out of the year. For one true day you can feel loved more so than any other day. I can’t say I understand this one because this is my first Valentine’s Day with my boyfriend.
What Valentine’s Day truly is:
Though no one truly knows where this holiday originated from, according to one legend, Clauduis II prohibited young men from getting married, claiming that unmarried men made better soldiers. St. Valentine didn’t agree with him and decided to secretly preform ceremonies, unfortunately he was caught by the romans and put to death. Another legend goes on further to say that while Valentine was in prison before being put to death, he fell in love with the jailers’ daughter, and before he was executed he sent a letter to her and signed it “from your Valentine”. Again these are legends, and no one is for sure.
What Valentine’s Day is for me:
In today’s modern society, Valentine’s day seems to be about spoiling your loved one or sex, but really that’s not what it is about. Yes, I know that I am going to go out to dinner and such with my boyfriend and I know that he is going to spoil me, I understand that. When you break it down, Valentine’s Day is really just a day to show the people that you love, how much you appreciate them; because you are so happy to have them in your life, and you want to show them that. People get wrapped up in the thought that “I have to spend a ton of money to show someone how much I love them”. Honestly, I would rather someone tell me how much they appreciate me, than see someone spend a ton of money to show me. When it really comes down to it, you should be doing that every day. Every time you get to spend time with someone that is so important to you, make sure that you tell them how much you care. I have realized that everything that we have can be gone in a flash. The people that we love can be gone tomorrow. Do you really want the last conversation you had with that person to be bad? Or would you rather know that they know how much they mean to you. Because in the end, it isn’t about the gifts that we receive, it’s about the moments that were spent with those people that you love. So if you are single or not, tell someone that you care about that you love them and that you appreciate everything that they do for you and others, because that is truly the best gift you can give them.