I have been in a committed relationship for about three years now. It's been beautiful in so many ways and we have our own traditions and rituals for anniversaries, birthdays, and Valentine's Days. But it took us a while to get those traditions in a rotation.
Couples that haven't been together for too long always face a bit of difficulty with Valentine's Day because it's often times before they reach an anniversary. However different and slightly awkward Valentine's Day can be for some people, there's no need to judge couples that are still in the early stages of getting familiar with another's rhythm.
I remember one of my first Valentine's Days. We had only been dating for about two weeks and we went to eat at the mall. He bought me Moe's and that was our "Valentine's Day Dinner." However small the notion was, it was our Valentine's Day. We spent the rest of the day talking and smiling and we got to know each other better. Even though we had only been dating for a small window of time, it was special to me.
I wholeheartedly believe that couples deserve Valentine's Day no matter how long they've been together. My parents don't really celebrate Valentine's Day, but the times that they would, they would have a day at home. No interruptions, no arguments, just a lazy, quiet day.
Since Tyler and I started dating, we've been a very unconventional couple. We relish in the fact that we have something of our own, something unique. And it shows in how we choose to celebrate Valentine's Day. Because we like to take trips, we're most likely going to spend Valentine's Day somewhere other than Naples. And we may not celebrate it on the exact day, we may celebrate it the following weekend because it's the thought that counts.
Valentine's Day is right around the corner, so all you couples out there, no matter how long you've been together, two months, a week, or five years, enjoy your day to celebrate happiness and love in your own way.
Happy Valentine's Day!