As the aisles fill with chocolates wrapped in red, flowers and teddy bears, some folks will gleam with excitment over the store's Valentine’s Day selection while others will bitterly avoid these aisles at all costs.
Valentine’s Day has become one of two things for people: those who have been shot by Cupid view this holiday as an exciting day to show their loved one how much they appreciate them. Others will dread the day without having someone special by their side.
However, I think we lose sight of all the things this holiday really represents. Contrary to popular belief, Valentine’s Day is not just a day for couples. It’s a holiday that represents love. There are different types of love. There is love for parents — they have supported you, cherished you and loved you unconditionally. There is love for your siblings — as much as you may love to bicker every now and then, you love them even more than that. It is because of them that you have so many fond memories growing up. Love for your extended family members — as you hug all your aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, you are thankful for all the laughs and memories of family vacations. Love for your close friends — the ones that have been there for every laugh and every tear. The ones that loved you through your braces and blue eyeshadow. You appreciate and love them for being there every step of the way. There is love for a significant other — and all the memories, smiles and laughs shared. They have granted you the gift of knowing what it is like to fall in love. Appreciate and cherish that.
As kids we all exchange valentines, one addressed to every kid in our class. We would pick our favorite ones in the pack for our closest friends, to show them that we love them and appreciate them. From a young age, we have been exchanging cards of love for the people we love. Somewhere along the way, we neglected to remember that Valentine’s Day should be for all the people we love, not just romantically. Valentine’s Day is more than just a day for couples to surprise each other with chocolate or flowers at their doors. It is a day to take the time to appreciate all those in our life whom we love.
As this holiday approaches, remember this: there are many people in your life who have supported you and loved you. Tell everyone you love this Valentine’s Day that you love them. Instead of bitterly watching all the couples around you, take a second to call your mom or to text your aunt. Tell them how much you appreciate and love them. On the other hand, before you dedicate all your attention to your significant other, take time to express to your loved ones that you love them too!