Originally I was going to write a post on the history of Valentine's Day but due to everything going on right now, what's the point? Besides, if you're really that interested you can find everything you need on various websites or shocker, books. Yes, you can learn about all of these things for free in your local library but thank your teachers for teaching you how to read to begin with. Moving on...
Valentine's day is coming up soon and it's a day that most couples celebrate. It's the time that card companies make money off of romance. Love is a fickle thing. At least, this is my own understanding of the word. Still, make your partner happy this year by utilizing maybe one of the following ideas?
1. Coupons
If you see the coupon books for your valentine in stores, you can use that. However, it might be cheaper and more endearing to make it on your own. Gifts that take time and thought can be something your significant other will always remember. Yes, it's corny but that's what this post is about.
Go to your local dollar store, pick up some construction paper, an art pad, a glue stick, and a pair of scissors. Pens and or pencils are also good to buy if you don't already have some laying around. The limit to coupons is your own imagination. Yes, this may seem juvenile, but if the person truly loves you, it will amaze them. You can make coupons of whatever you want. From cuddle time, to take out the trash, to bubble bath, you can make it as corny as you want or not. Depends on your own personality in this area and what you want to use.
2. Books
If you ever pick up a blank journal from a Barnes and Noble, you can make your own handmade book for your lover.
Personally, I have done this with my ex-fiance. For a year (We were together for a little over 2 years before the break up.) I would listen to her. I would write down her favorite poems in the book. I would do the same with the lyrics of her favorite songs and I would include poems I had written about her. Since she told me she liked to learn new things I would also add new tidbits of information that I thought she might enjoy. It didn't stop there. Art was added to it and I would write things about some of her favorite paintings, history, names of the artists, all that. The same with animals since she was and still is an animal lover. So after I gave her this handmade gift I believe we got engaged at that point. My memory is a bit hazy on that and we did unfortunately have a little bit of a light switch relationship for that 2 year period. Still, it's an idea you can use for your own lover, if you wanted to do so.
3. Art
If you're an artist you can also give your lover pieces of art. Whether it was something you made, or something you think they will like. I don't think you can go wrong with art, but I also could be mistaken about that.
A cool date for Valentine's Day would be attending a local art gallery or a museum. If you're both artists, perhaps enter into an art contest or an art gallery together and see what happens? Or you can go to a zoo, if your partner loves animals. Same for any place of interest among both parties really.
Sappy? Yes! Romantic? You bet! Cliche? Nothing wrong with being cliché at times. Not at all. Sometimes it's nice to be the sappy, romantic and cliché type.
You may make your partner blush with your poetry but chances are they will love it. Try it out anyway. And the best part? All you need is some paper and a pen. No, this can't be done on a computer. You can type it if you want but personally, I think the handmade version is better for a romantic gift.
5. Love Letters
Love letters? Ha, not sure who does that anymore. Still, you can give it a shot. Not your typical Junior high or high school love letter bullshit though. You're an adult so use that extensive vocabulary that you should have gained by now.
Anyway, these hand made items can be done on a budget. There's no need to spend extravagant amounts of money on your lover, unless they're a gold-digger. Still, if you do have the money to swing it, take your partner out somewhere nice and in addition utilize some of these suggestions? Enjoy the time with your partner by the way.
Personally, I think you should celebrate being with your partner every day but that has led to many of my past relationships dissolving. Not really good at this whole relationship thing, so maybe you'll have some better luck?