It only comes once a year and is the most dreaded, and at the same time, anticipated holidays of the year, Valentine's Day. One of the most commercialized holidays, it's a day that is stereotypically hated by singles and a dream for couples. While Valentine's Day has received its negative reputation over the years, it is still a day where the one thing that should be most cherished is celebrated: love.
It is not hard to notice that as a collective society, there is a heavy belief that happiness depends on one's relationship status. Forgotten is the notion of "quality versus quantity" and not reaching the quota for relationships is frowned upon. When one finds themselves alone, it is not usually a wanted thing due to the stigma of that one needs another by their side to complete themselves. Due to this notion, it is common that when one finds themselves lacking a mate, during certain holidays such as Valentine's Day, many are given the bitter reminder of that loneliness.
Somehow, lost in all the Hollywood glitz and glam, the giant human-sized teddy bears and overpriced chocolates, the true meaning of Valentine's Day has been lost. We often forget that love comes in many different forms. We have been programmed to think that love is only valid if it is from a significant other and that it only exists when those famous three words are exchange. But love, in its many different forms, is hiding right underneath our noses, right in plain sight - we see it everyday without realizing it. We see it among our families who are the ultimate support systems, among our dearest friends who stay by our side through it all, even a random act of kindness among strangers on the street.
When did we become oblivious to the fact that we are surrounded by love? A holiday that is to celebrate one of the most enjoyed emotions is now feared. Like Charlotte York from "Sex and the City" suggested, friends can be each other's soul mates. The lack of a significant other does not equal a lack of love. Valentine's Day should not just be associated with romantic love, exclusive to couples only. It should be a holiday celebrated by all and a holiday for all types of love.
This Valentine's Day, a little project that everyone should partake in, is remembering that love is all around. Instead of spending the day thinking that you can't celebrate due to a lack of a significant other, spend the day with the ones that love you every day. Even if one does have that special someone, perhaps take the time to appreciate the other loved ones in your life. Go out with your family, cook a dinner for your closest friends, even spend the day performing random acts of kindness for others in the world. This isn't saying that one should forget their romantic relationship, but just keep in mind the other loved ones in their life. And also, a reminder that one does not need to be in a relationship to enjoy Valentine's Day.
So spread a little love this holiday, and remember, that love is actually all around.