Valentine's Day is coming up, and I couldn't be more excited! I love the hearts, the colors and the love in the air. The big thing you might run into every year, however, is what your plans are going to be with your sweetie. I'm here to help you figure that out.
While dinner, a movie or both are always a fun night out, they might be a little overdone and less creative than I think we could be. Here are ten, super fun date ideas I came up with:
1. Roller Skating
man in black long sleeve shirt and black pants standing on red floor
Photo by Lukas Schroeder on Unsplash
I absolutely love roller skating. You could do this as a group outing or just you and your significant other. Some places have BYOB 21+ nights that are super fun, but even just kicking it old school with some crappy roller rink pizza and a soda are fun, too.
2. Baking Together
person standing and making dough
Photo by Theme Photos on Unsplash
Even if you're not the best in the kitchen, baking can be a fun way to spend time with your boo. Look up a fun recipe, get the ingredients together, and get to cooking! Even if it's a disaster, you can still say you attempted something you hadn't before.
3. Mini Golf
blue golf ball
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
Like roller skating, this might seem like a dated idea as well. However, I can assure you mini golf is far from boring. There are tons of places to play, and there are also some extremely cute photo ops. Plus, who doesn't like a little friendly competition?
4. Board Game Night
gold ring on white paper
Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash
If staying in is more your cup of tea but you still love competition, gathering multiple board games and setting up shop at the kitchen table for the evening is just the date for you. From Monopoly to Life, you can simply spend hours together remembering how fun your favorite games can be.
5. Thrift Shopping
Photo by Jordan Nix on Unsplash
This is a personal favorite of my boyfriend's. When you go thrift shopping, you never know what you'll find for a good price! For an extra little game to play: pick out full outfits for each other. Be as silly as possible or keep it stylish.
6. Drive-In Movie
File:Milford Drive-In Theater.jpg - Wikimedia
Okay, I know I said no movies, but this is an exception. Instead of sitting in a quiet theater where you can't actually spend time together, opt for a drive-in movie instead. Pack the back of your car with pillows, blankets and your favorite snacks (Shh! Don't tell the theater workers I said to bring your own refreshments.) and enjoy a classic or a new movie that just came out!
7. Rock Climbing
woman in wall climbing
Photo by Bhargava Marripati on Unsplash
My boyfriend gets the credit for this one as well. While we did this together a while ago (not for Valentine's Day) I wanted to put it on here because of how fun it was! You don't have to be super athletic to enjoy it either. There are different levels of difficulty and you can honestly just goof around and take fun pictures while you're there. Bonus points if you race each other up the wall though.
8. Photoshoot
grayscale photo of man taking photo
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
This one can be as professional as you'd like it to be. Look up some poses on Pinterest and set up the self-timer on your phone, or ask a friend to take some shots of you two. If you're feeling really serious about it, you could always hire a professional. It really is up to you and your budget.
9. Brewery/Wine Tasting
clear wine glass overlooking orchard during daytime
Photo by Kym Ellis on Unsplash
If you're 21 and up, why not go to a brewery or a vineyard? There are tons all over the place, and you might find a new drink you absolutely love and can't live without now!
10. DIY Project
white and red crew-neck shirt beside paint with brushes
Photo by okeykat on Unsplash
Here's another creative one for you. Start by looking up fun, easy DIY projects either on Google or Pinterest that you and your S.O. can do together. It can be as straight-forward or as creative as you want. Hobby Lobby also has a ton of projects with attached instructions if you need some clarity when getting creative.
There are so many other ideas out there, but these are just a few of my favorites. Remember to tell those you care about how much they mean to you this holiday!