Valentine's Day Candy Ranked Best to Worst By A Candy Aficionado | The Odyssey Online
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Valentine's Day Candy Ranked Best to Worst By A Candy Aficionado

The biggest question is: Where will the Conversation Hearts fall on this list?

Valentine's Day Candy Ranked Best to Worst By A Candy Aficionado

Is it a false advertisement to call myself a candy aficionado? Perhaps. But I’ve eaten more than my fair share of candy in this lifetime so I’m proud to label myself with the title.

For the majority of my life, Valentine’s Day has been good for one thing and one thing only: Candy. Particularly that beautiful sale that begins the day after the love bird’s holiday.

Even now that I’m in a happy relationship, Valentine’s Day is still only about the candy for me (Sorry Valentine’s Day fans!) and that is why I’m here to present to you my own thoughts on popular Valentine’s Day candies.

The Best

1. Assorted Chocolate Box

“Life is like a box of chocolates,” Forrest Gump’s mama was a smart woman because life sure seems to be an array of flavors and sometimes you bite into your pick expecting it to be a caramel filled chocolate only to get strawberry nougat. But even when you grab the wrong chocolate candy from the box are you ever really getting the short end of the stick?

Chocolate boxes offer variety and the best part is - you can make them last longer due to how rich and filling the bite-sized treats can be. There’s no doubt that the hands-down best Valentine’s Day candy goes to sweet is a box of assorted chocolates. Bonus points if it’s heart-shaped!

2. Dove Chocolates

Creamy, smooth, and decadent - Dove Chocolates rank number two on this list as they are just so rich. While these chocolates aren’t the cheapest of the lot they sure do taste like a million bucks. Better yet - the sweet little phrases on the inside of the wrapper make these treats into a sort of chocolate fortune cookie that is sure to leave a small on your face.

3. Chocolate Covered Strawberries

While chocolate covered strawberries are not necessarily candies they are covered with chocolate and that is close enough for me! Chocolate covered strawberries can be quite beautiful depending on where you buy them from and they are almost always delicious.

These delectable treats make third on the list for best Valentine’s Day treats as they are that perfect mixture of rich chocolate flavor and light fruit taste. Delicious!

4. Heart Lollipops

In a sea of chocolate, there are few Valentine’s Day candies that don’t incorporate chocolate in some way. While chocolate is yummy it can become a bit much. That’s how heart-shaped lollipops found their way onto this list.

These treats, be them from Sweetarts, Jolly Ranchers, or another candymaker, offer a refreshing flavor that helps ease that chocolate-induced stomachache. Well, maybe not. But they still taste great!

5. Hershey’s Kisses

These tiny little candies are easy to pop into your mouth and come in a variety of flavors which multiple around the holidays. Hershey’s Kisses are cute, sweet, and are incredibly easy to binge-eat, so be careful this Valentine’s Day!

The Worst

1. Milk Chocolate Roses

Nothing says, “I didn’t want to buy you chocolate AND roses, so I got you this instead,” like milk chocolate roses. Maybe I’m a bit picky but I like my flowers fresh and my chocolate bite-sized. While the idea of chocolate roses are cute, personally they just don’t make the top five cut for me.

2. Fun Dip

Sure, Fun Dip is fun but there is nothing about it that screams Valentine’s Day to me despite the fact that they always show up in Valentine’s Day goodie bags and on the red and pink decorated shelves at the grocery store. I just don’t get warm fuzzies from a bright blue tongue and tart candy powder all over every surface.

Plus that nasty little stick needs to be reconsidered and replaced with something a bit tastier because the dip part of the Fun Dip only lasts for so long before you’re left with a white, tasteless stick.

3. Pink & Red MnM’s

MnM’s? What could be wrong with this classic, candy-coated treat? MnM’s are all well and good but they’re a chocolate we reach for year-round.

There’s nothing about MnM’s that put me into the Valentine’s Day mood. (Although, now that I think of it I’m not sure if I’m ever in the Valentine’s Day mood.)

4. Cinnamon Red Hearts

Yuck. That should be enough said for why this candy ranked so low on this list, however, I’ll provide some insight for those out of the loop.

Cinnamon Red Hearts are tiny, chewy, cinnamon-flavored bits of gross. I don’t know about you, but that’s a firm no for me.

5. *Gasp* No candy at all!

This is way worse than ending up with some Cinnamon Red Hearts or your least favorite treat this Valentine’s Day!

The Debate

That’s right. There is one single candy that you likely already noted was missing from this list. There are those that swear they are the sheer embodiment of perfection and others who state blatantly that they are Satan’s chosen delicacy.

Personally, my tongue curls up in disgust at the mere thought of having to taste their chalky flavor. Ick.

But there was a time in my life, at a much younger and more innocent stage, when I downed them like they were… well, candy.

But, dear reader, I leave you with this question: Are conversations hearts tasty, terrible, or still to be decided. Let the debate continue!

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