I've had a few different Valentines, and like you, I've gotten my hopes up once or twice.
I've had the opportunity to give and receive. I gave away Spongebob Squarepants and PowerPuff Girls Valentines in elementary with the holographic pictures on them, and I got a few back with the little heart stickers that sealed in my platonic friendships with my classmates (as well as a few crushes, while we're being honest).
Rejection came early, too. My heart was broken for the first time in middle school, and while we strived in earnest to remain friends, our relationship was never the same. I continued to feel loss and heartbreak through junior high and high school, and my longest relationship up to senior year was only about three months.
Then, senior year, I met a new boy. He was 20, but he was still a boy. You know the drill. He said he loved me, and that was the beginning of a past that I only disclose to a select few. I thought it would be years after graduating college I would find someone I was sure about.
But, I guess the universe thought it was time I find someone who thinks my pig snort of a laugh is adorable.
There are a couple of things to know about why I feel so sure.
First, we've known each other since we were in middle school. He brought me cake balls in the 7th grade, and we finished school close to the same time. When I came back to my hometown and met him for the first time as a young adult, I was greeting an old friend. Make sure that when you look for a Valentine, you do everything you can to keep him or her around for a while before you say you're sure. You have to know that you know that you know, and I do.
Secondly, he is my best friend. He knows he can call me about his day at work, and I can call him about a crazy professor or a girl in my organization. We simply enjoy each other's company, even without putting our hands on each other. We know what the other person likes to do, and we can have fun doing that, or just about anything, if it means we are together. Your Valentine needs to be, or have the potential to become, your best friend.
Lastly, he encourages me to think of others before myself, just like he does.
He is the biggest people pleaser on this planet, I'm sure. Between that characteristic and his heart for service, he will put himself and his needs at the bottom of the list if that means everyone around him is happy. Recently, I was upset that I couldn't get him much for a certain gift, and he told me, "Lose yourself in serving others. That's your gift to me." I take that with me wherever I go and in whatever I do now. He lifts me up and makes sure I don't forget about others, just like he makes sure I know he's always thinking about me. Please, if nothing else, make sure your Valentine reminds you over and over of your worth, and don't forget to remind him or her of the same. Get lost in service, and give all your love to those around you, even if you don't have a Valentine yet. It will only benefit everyone involved.
There are 364 other days apart from Valentine's Day. You must remember that, regardless of whether or not you have a Valentine this year, you have a pretty outstanding opportunity each and every day to get to know yourself and those around, develop friendships, and serve others. Then, maybe one day, you'll know you have a pretty solid Valentine.