February 14th, Valentine's Day. The day you see chocolates, roses, and loved ones gathered together. It is a day meant to celebrate love and the one you share your heart with.
But this valentine's day I just want to take a moment to remember all those who can't be with their loved ones. I just want to take a moment to say thank you to the men and women of the Armed Forces who are away from those they love on this day.
To remember all those who wait patiently at home for their service member. It is not easy by any means. I have seen my aunts and cousins go through this as many people in my family have been in service and all I can say is thank you.
Thank you for lending your loved one to this country.
Thank you for your support as they go into service.
Thank you for all you do.
We can never thank you enough for the sacrifices you and your loved one have made.
This day is about so much more than just celebrating with those you love, it is a moment to say thank you to those who show their love in a bigger way.
Happy Valentine's Day to all, and a thank you to all those who serve this country.