I Won't Have Children Until You Vaccinate Yours | The Odyssey Online
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I Refuse To Have Kids Until You Vaccinate Yours

Deciding not to vaccinate doesn't just involve your child—it involves everyone else's.

I Refuse To Have Kids Until You Vaccinate Yours

In 2018, 124 cases of measles have been reported.

In 2000, this disease was considered "eliminated."

Why are measles suddenly making a comeback?

It's easy: parents think they know better than doctors and refuse to vaccinate their children.

Well, if that's the case, why bring more children into this world just to risk their own health?

The truth is, not vaccinating your children isn't doing them any good.

Vaccinating your child won't give them autism, make them sick, give them cancer, or cause their bodies to shut down because of the vaccine's ingredients.

Vaccinations are incredibly important for your own child's health and others.

When one child isn't vaccinated, it puts other children at risk for these once eliminated diseases, and I don't want to have a child who could be in danger because of someone's stupid, selfish, self-righteous decision.

What if I have a child who is born with an illness and is unable to be vaccinated? What if your child spreads a disease to my baby before it can get vaccinated against it? Why would I want to bring a child into this world knowing there is a huge risk they could be exposed to a life-threatening disease because a suburban mom thinks she knows better than a doctor?

There's a difference between what a doctor has to learn and what anti-vaxxers learn.

Doctors spend countless hours studying health and medicine, finding ways to better understand the human body, disease, and how to help protect and preserve our health. Anti-vaxxers read blogs lacking in solid facts and evidence and give in to the pressure and brainwashing mindset of anti-vaxx Facebook groups. Why is the latter seen as more important and true?

In all honesty, not vaccinating your children is irresponsible, ignorant, reckless, and down-right idiotic.

You would rather put your own child's and other children's lives at stake because you believe a mom blog and some uneducated Facebook groups taught you better.

If you don't care for your child and don't want to protect them as much as possible, you don't deserve to be a parent.

The choices you make in regards to your kid's health will affect everyone else around them. Deciding not to vaccinate your child doesn't just involve your kid—it involves everyone else's.

You should not be bringing children into this world if you're not going to be responsible and vaccinate them. As long as this is the case, I'm not going to bring children into this world. I'm not going to risk having a child who could be exposed to your child and your irresponsible choices. I'll be the responsible one since you won't be.

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