Saving money.
It can either be super easy or really difficult depending on your mindset.
I think you have to force yourself to save money because if you don't you'll spend that money and it'll likely go to waste.
Here's a list of savings tactics I've come across that will help you go on the vacation of your dreams.
1. Save a set amount each paycheck.
Figure out how much money you have left over after paying bills. If you can set aside a set amount, like $20, every paycheck if you get paid biweekly and start saving say September 7th by December 14th, you'll have saved $140!
2. Save a little at first and gradually build up.
Save $10 your next paycheck and do that for a month. After that month bump up that amount to $20 for a month and so on and so forth. If you start September 7th and get paid weekly, you'll have saved $310 by December 7th!
3. Save your hundreds and spend your singles.
Watch that money add up!
GiphyI saw this trick on a Twitter post a while back, and it's a really good idea for those teens just starting in their first jobs with no bills to pay. Say you get paid $480, save the $400 and only use the $80 until you get paid again. This way you can build up a savings really quick.
4. Stash your income tax refund.
Tax season is frustrating, but the payoff is worth it. If you are financially able to do so, put all of your tax refund money into a savings account and don't touch it. This way you already start out strong and can keep adding using one of the methods above!
5. Stop buying pointless stuff
You see that new pair of shoes, and you really want them, but do you need them? If you don't need them (and believe me, you don't), DO NOT BUY THEM. If you really feel you need the newest shoes or clothes or video game, try selling things you don't use anymore. Or donate old clothes and shoes that are in good condition to a homeless shelter. Buying things you don't need might make you feel better in the beginning, but your bank account will love you for saving.