UVA Baseball Spotlight: Brandon Waddell (Part 2) | The Odyssey Online
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UVA Baseball Spotlight: Brandon Waddell (Part 2)

An exclusive interview with the starting pitcher who helped the Cavaliers win their first CWS title.

UVA Baseball Spotlight: Brandon Waddell (Part 2)

The Wahoos brought home another National Championship trophy last week after winning the College World Series. Virginia Baseball fought back from a one game loss, 5-1, to win games two, 3-0, and three, 4-2, of the CWS over a top-ranked Vanderbilt team who showed up to play for each game.

By winning the 2015 CWS Championship Series in Omaha, the Wahoos brought home their first national championship in baseball, and the first championship for the ACC in 60 years.

After anxiously watching the final game through my fingers, I reached out to our starting pitcher for the final game of the series, Brandon Waddell, who had an amazing season and a fantastic showing during the CWS, to answer some questions for a follow up to our interview earlier this year.

How does it feel to be a national champ?

To be honest, I’m not sure that it has even sunk in yet and I’m not sure I can even put it in to words but I will try my best for you! So many words pop into my head that would fit the description but wouldn’t do it justice. That being said, what it all comes down to is that it is a feeling that is greater that one person can imagine and it is a feeling that you never want to go away.

Did you know going in that you would be the starting pitcher for game 3?

I didn’t know that I was starting until the morning of the game. The coaches had to get together after game 2 and put together a game plan that they felt would give us the best opportunity to win a national championship. I was ready to start and was hoping they would give me the chance but it wasn’t determined until the morning of.

How did it feel pitching seven amazing innings in a national championship game?

I was just happy to be able to keep my team in a position to win the ballgame. I had given my team everything I had in the tank since I was coming back on 3 days rest and had all the confidence in giving the ball to Nathan Kirby once I was done. Looking back on the game, the feelings that I get really come down to the fact that I was able to do it for all my brothers that play side by side with me. After everything we had been through together during the offseason and in the season, I was excited to be able to pull through for them.

What was running through your mind during the last out of the ninth inning?

Pure excitement and joy. As I said before, I had all the faith in the world that Kirby was going to get the job done so it was just a matter of when that last out would be recorded.

Did you have any interesting rituals that you did before the CWS games? Or did anyone else on the team have an interesting ritual?

Personally I didn’t and I can’t think of anyone that had interesting ones. Baseball is a sport filled with superstitions and I’m sure everyone had their own little thing they had going for them but it wasn’t major. People definitely found routines but I wouldn’t say it was a ritual. For example, I liked to get away from the game and the stadium and go spend time with my family. It gave me some time to relax and just clear my mind. Omaha can be a grind. You’re eating the same breakfast every morning for two weeks, staying in the same hotel, doing the same things over and over, which becomes almost monotonous and tiring so to have a getaway was very important.

How did it feel to bring the championship trophy back to Charlottesville?

It’s an amazing feeling! Not only did we get to share the trophy with all of the team and support staff, we were greeted by about 4,000 people on our arrival to grounds that we were able to share the trophy with as well. All the people in the community and all the fans that stuck with us through the tough times and always supported us no matter what were able to get a little piece of the moment which was really cool to me.

What moment during the game did you start to just relax and feel like you were in a groove? Or that the team really fell in to place?

Probably in the second inning; I had completely settled down and found my rhythm. In the first I didn’t really know what I was going to truly have coming off short rest and I was just trying to do too much which caused my pitches to be up in the zone and they took advantage. After that I was able to relax and calm down and just focus on what I needed to do. The moment that Pavin hit the home run to tie the game was also huge not only in the fact that it tied the game for us but it brought all the momentum to our side and I don’t think we ever let it go.

Congrats on being drafted by Pittsburgh! Is there anything you want to say about that?

Just really thankful for the Pittsburgh Pirates to give me opportunity to continue to pursue my dreams. I haven’t signed and we are still in negotiations since we weren’t allowed to have any contact during the season and College World Series so the future is still up in the air.

What are your plans for the next school year? Again, congratulations on graduating a year early!

Thank you! I was accepted into a Master’s program through the Curry School at UVA and I also have a year of eligibility left so I could return to school and play for another year if I don’t sign with the Pirates.

And lastly, what was the standout moment for you during the whole CWS?

Holding up the national championship trophy with all my teammates! It is something that I will never forget and a memory that I can hold on to forever.

Congratulations again to the Virginia Baseball program on their National Championship. You provided Wahoo fans with thrills and lots of happiness. Thank you for an amazing season, and we can't wait for next year!

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