1. Getting out of bed becomes more and more of a struggle everyday
2. Your bank account is pretty much nonexistent
3. You’d rather not eat, than eat caf food
4. You’ve had a million mental break downs already
5. Your percentage of giving a fuck is decreasing immensely everyday
6. You run on coffee
7. However not even coffee can help you get through some days anymore
8. You have a million assignments to do & decide to nap
9. Your room looks like a bomb went off
10. You’ve calculated your grades in every class to figure out how bad you can do on the final
11. You contemplate on skipping classes just about everyday
12. When you actually do go to class, you spend the entire time texting or on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, or anything that will distract you from the boring lecture.
13. You hate everyone
14. You no longer schedule your naps around class and homework, you schedule your class and homework around your naps
15. You feel like your brain is fried
16. All you want to do is sleep
17. You have no clean laundry
18. You’ve contemplated dropping out of school and finding a rich man or becoming a stripper numerous times
19. Sleep isn’t a thing anymore
20. You hate everyone in your classes because you spend too much time with them
21. Everyone’s freaking out about finals and you’ll just be happy to pass the class
22. You’ve stopped caring about what you look like
23. Sweatpants & messy bun is any everyday thing
24. Netflix somehow seems to always win, over homework
25. You have a countdown to summer
26. You just want to go home
27. All you do is complain about everything you have to do
28. Going to the gym is just not a thing anymore
29. You will find any excuse to go out drinking: Margarita Monday, Tequila Tuesday, Wine Wednesday, Thirsty Thursday
30.Your new life motto is “C’s get degrees”
31. You’ve started a new Netflix series….& finished it
32. College has become a series of “Just winging it”
33. You put the pro in procrastination
34.Y ou spend hours in the library
35. You’re an emotional mess
36. Your mood swings come in like a wrecking ball
37. All you can think about is summer break
38. Making it through a full week of classes has become a huge struggle
39. You’ve become a very negative person
40. Everything & everyone annoys you
41. You'd rather be sun bathing outside than in class
42. You start to wear the same shirt and leggings two days in a row, because your Monday/ Wednesday/Friday class has no clue what you wore Tuesday/Thursday.
43. You have absolutely no motivation
44. You say "I'm so over this semester" at least five times a day
45. It's the time where you're not sure if you're more scared to check your bank account or your grades.
46. You realize you have a few weeks to get your life together
47. Freshmanitis/sophomoreitis/Juniortis/Senioritis has seriously started to kick in
48. You find yourself daydreaming about random stuff in class
49. Your notes look more like a coloring book than notes
50. You are so beyond ready for summer bomb fires, late nights, feet in the sand and no worry in the world