Utah Jazz to Make Triumphant Noise in NBA Playoffs | The Odyssey Online
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Utah Jazz to Make Triumphant Noise in NBA Playoffs

The Jazz have plenty of talent and stifling defense, but how far will that take them through the 2019-2020 NBA playoff picture?

Utah Jazz to Make Triumphant Noise in NBA Playoffs

Last week would have been the start of the 2019-2020 NBA playoffs if the current global pandemic didn't temporarily shut down all major sports leagues. This means we're going to have to wait quite a while before seeing playoff LeBron James in a Laker uniform, the surging Miami Heat, or Luka Dončić's first-ever playoff run.

While I'm not sure if the NBA will finish the remaining 18 or so games on the regular-season schedule for each team, we do know a playoff bracket to cap off this season will occur. So, I thought it would be fun to let you all in on my "sleeper" playoff contender that frankly doesn't get talked about enough…the Utah Jazz.

The Jazz are currently 41-23, having the fourth-best record in a very difficult Western Conference. One word perfectly describes this team, depth. Utah has six players capable of scoring double-digit point totals on any given night. Mike Conley, Donovan Mitchell, Bojan Bogdanović, Joe Ingles, Rudy Gobert, and Jordan Clarkson ensure that even if a few players are having an "off shooting night", the total offensive success of this team will endure.

When I think Jazz basketball, though, I think about defense. That's what they'll need to lean on to go the furthest this postseason. Quin Snyder is a very defensive-minded head coach, and that is reflected by having the ninth-lowest average points per game allowed, at 107.9. Combine that with two-time defensive player-of-the-year award winner, Rudy Gobert, manning the middle and this team is primed for plenty of defensive rebound opportunities.

Gobert is averaging an absurd 2.0 blocks per game. Even backup center, Tony Bradley, is averaging an impressive 0.5 blocks per game in only 10.7 minutes on the court each night. These big men might not be able to shoot as well as other centers in the league, but their size and defensive presence will shine when gameplay slows down due to the possession per possession pressure that comes attached to playoff basketball.

Those who aren't so bullish on the Jazz will be quick to point out that they lack a superstar to take that patented final shot of the game without hesitation. This is a completely valid counter-argument. However, know that the Spidey Man is coming fast! Donovan Mitchell has seen growth in his scoring, free throw percentage, minutes, rebounds, and three-point percentage each of the past three seasons. His 24.2 points per game this season easily leads the team. He also is their average steals per game leader with 1.0.

I expect Mitchell to take a large leap this offseason and become the confident offensive powerhouse that will be needed in close contests. Is it the same as having the ball in the hands of Kawhi Leonard or Giannis Antetokounmpo with five seconds left on the clock…no. However, at only age 23, Mitchell has plenty of time to prove he is worthy of entrance into this tier of players.

The Jazz are currently lined up to play the Oklahoma City Thunder in the first round of the 2019-2020 NBA playoffs. The Thunder have plenty of offensive weapons, making this a very exciting matchup.

Will the Utah Jazz win the NBA finals this season, no. Just consider this your wakeup call when you wipe your eyes trying to figure out how this team made it to the Western Conference finals or forced a game six in round two. They truly are that talented.

Did I mention Mike Conley could re-find his game again during this extended time off? If that happens, watch out!

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