Life at USNA, as told by Corinne | The Odyssey Online
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Life at USNA, as told by Corinne

She really gets it.

Life at USNA, as told by Corinne

1. When your prof hands back a test you did well on... and looks surprised.

It may never happen again, though.

2. When you have duty on a 3-Day.


3. When you think you'll have time to nap but something comes up and you can't.

LIterally, so done.

4. Missing home cooked meals, especially comfort food.

Cheese pasta is a big deal.

5. Communicating across the p-way while on a bulkhead.

And the other person understands you perfectly.

6. When someone in class cuts you off mid-sentence.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

7. All the firsties getting engaged.

Kind of cute but really weird at the same time.

8. Uniforms are super flattering.

All of my pants fit differently. Why.

9. Some days are tougher than others.

The solution is to take a nap, obviously.

10. When your friends want to run the E-Course...and it's been raining all week.

No thanks.

11. Immediately following the PRT...

All the sugar, all of it.

12. When random people ask you if Navy is "the water one".

This actually happened and I'm (clearly) still not over it.

13. When you wear civvies for the first time in months.

The best feeling probably ever.

14. When your classmates don't keep up with The Bachelor.

Get it together guys, uphold the standard.

15. When you can't figure out what mood your Train-O is in going into Blue and Gold.


Blue and Scold, or.....?

16. Trying to make your stuff appear organized for inspections.

Stick it in the ceiling somewhere out of sight.

17. In cold weather gear like...

The odds of me wearing my Ike when it's 60 degrees are, let's see, zero.

18. Having dinner with your sponsor family on the weekend

Real food, a family dinner - it's pretty much the best.

19. When you're running on 3 hours of sleep, coffee, monster, and sourpatch kids.

It's been a crazy week, okay?

20. When briefs are scheduled before 0700.

Why. Is. This. A. Thing.

21. When you're in denial about your peer ranking comments.

There's no way you could actually be abrasive, they just don't like you.

22. There's always one person who never seems to shower.

And they inevitably stand next to you at formation.

23. Knowing you were made for greater things than YPs.

Who doesn't, really.

24. Intramurals are taken way too seriously

So many egos, so little skill.

25. Rumors spread faster than wild fire.

Your roommate heard it from someone in second reg who heard it from a teammate whose company officer told them at formation that their colleague overheard two midshipmen talking about what happened between two people in their class.

26. When you need someone to cover your watch and they pretend to be busy but they're on deck sleeping.

Cool, thanks guys.

27. When drama starts unfolding in the hall.

Sometimes it feels like high school all over again.

28. Every plebe date ever.

Even when they're not that awkward, they're still really awkward.

29. When it's just been a really long week.


Very few problems cannot be solved by brunch.

30. When you get a UA for being less than a minute late.

Some profs just don't understand.

31. Not being productive during free periods.

Or when your roommates judge you for sleeping during the day.

32. So many protocol briefs.

Y'all are barbarians. Also, we eat American style.

33. Climbing in to bed at the end of the day

Alternatively, climbing into bed to take a midday nap. Sometimes multiple times in one day.

34. When you hear about drama in another company.

You have to entertain yourself somehow.

35. When someone in your squad is a varsity athlete.

It may take you several months to even realize they're in your squad.

36. Squad counseling.

Can you just sign the paper now???

37. When all the upperclassmen are gone on Friday nights and things get a little chaotic.

All the pent up energy from the week comes out in full force.

38. SDB EOL.

I will never not be upset about this. Ever.

39. When people ask you how your day is going and you don't have the energy to pretend.

Hey, they asked.

40. When the Super Bowl is an acceptable reason to rate media but The Bachelor finale is not.

@TrainingStaff #sorrynotsorry

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