Joined in August 2017
Film making and journalism has led me on a long journey to find my dharma, and run with it. What began as a small hobby full of excitement and creativity, is now the sole reason I am as passionate about making societal issues known through video as a rat has a deep passion for cheese.
My name is Sam and I am an aspiring filmmaker/photographer. I came to San Francisco anticipating a lot, I wanted to meet as many people as I could, find connections and get things rolling quickly. Sooner or later I made some friends and started exploring the city on weekends. In doing so, I found myself opening up to the real world realizing what life truly looks like inside and out.
Storytelling is a beautiful form of art with many different methods to portray a specific idea. I want to share aspects of life most people do not get to see.
I consider my self an ultimate lover of travel and unplanned exploration as well as slack lining. I enjoy making others laugh as much as I enjoy others making me laugh.
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