Owen Beckles on OdysseyOwen Beckles
Owen Beckles

Owen Beckles

Username: owenbeckles

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    Although I reside in the powerhouse of the Sunbelt, I’m originally a native of New Rochelle, New York. I currently attend Georgia Southern University as a sophomore studying for my bachelor’s of science in Mechanical Engineering, with an emphasis towards Aerospace Engineering. I intend to use my degree to hopefully obtain a design and research position working on aircrafts for Delta. However, I share an immense interest in reading and writing. My favorite work is “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho, who also shares the role of my favored author of choice. My interests of writing include politics, social issues, and environmentalism. The Odyssey could give me the opportunity to range my voice and concerns towards institutional dilemmas, as well as learn how to grow from feedback and develop myself into a more established writer.

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