Liv Nortillo on OdysseyLiv Nortillo
Liv Nortillo

Liv Nortillo

Username: LivNortillo

Joined in April 2018

  • About

    Hi! My name is Liv Nortillo (it rhymes with pillow), and I'm originally from the Chicago-land area. I moved down to the great state of Texas to go to Baylor University and now call Waco, TX home! I'm a Social Work Major with a Minor in Christian Ministries, and I want to work with churches and missions organizations to help their missionary workers develop better cultural intelligence/competency.

    Since I'm not enrolled in college courses at the moment, I'm what you could call a "student on sabbatical" - still learning new things all the time, just not in a classroom or through a textbook. I absolutely love Jesus, the coffee shop I work at (and practically live at), writing, coffee, performing slam poetry and spoken word, singing, adventuring, and empowering people to discover their gifts and talents.

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