Jessica Alexander on OdysseyJessica Alexander
Jessica Alexander

Jessica Alexander

Username: jessialexander16

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    I am an observant person, I want to be able to share my experiences with everyone else. A story from the tiniest detail that most people look over, to the craziest thought I'm sure we've all had. Our generation is so goal oriented that we, most of the time miss what is right in front of our eyes. Infront of our eyes not meaning on our phones or computers, but the outside world. My perspective is that if every person would take 5 minutes and look up at the sky or even just stop look around and think to themselves "if I could do anything what would I do" then take action on that thought, a lot would change. I feel like my perspective could remind those whom (like me) become so focused on a task at hand,work, school, or what ever else life hands us. There's a huge huge world out there and we limit ourselves to what we see if it because we claim to be "too busy". There's a world to be explored there's a million new thought to be thought, there's an idea that nobody has ever come up with. We spend so much time attempting to live up to the expectations of society, we lose our child like imaginations and accept the new normal. It's time we break out of the normal, and take back the imagination and Sprite we were born with. Live the life we were meant to live, and be the best generation yet! I feel like I could help bring that inspiration back to a generation who has lost creativity.

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