G. Edgar Momberger on OdysseyG. Edgar Momberger
G. Edgar Momberger

G. Edgar Momberger

Username: gregorymomberger

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Hello, fellow millennials! I am Edgar Momberger, and I am currently a cow (junior) at the United States Military Academy. I joined Odyssey to begin the neglected conversations within my community. Once we start a dialogue together, great things are to follow. I'm also looking to bridge the millennial generation's widening civ-mil divide one article at a time. I grew up in Western New York on the shores of Lake Erie. When I am not working, I love to play golf, discuss life over a cup of coffee, or feed my unhealthy YouTube addiction. Shameless Plug: I also have a wonderful sister who writes for Odyssey, so check her out! Lexie Momberger

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