Emily Coughlin on OdysseyEmily Coughlin
Emily Coughlin

Emily Coughlin

Username: emily-coughlin-2

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    What are my goals? That is a very difficult question to answer. I guess it would depend on what my timeline looks like. My goal for today is to make it through Marketing 310 without falling asleep. If we're looking a bit more into the future, however, my main goal is to land a PR job for a non-profit company somewhere over the rainbow, far away from Muncie, Indiana. I am a frightened, about-to-graduate senior looking for a creative outlet that allows me to expand my resume while also being able to actually enjoy my work. This is why I would love to write for The Odyssey. I read The Odyssey articles regularly, and I am a huge fan.

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