On my cell phone, I have this app called Flipboard. It is already in my cell phone when I purchased it. It only takes a left flip to access the app. In this app, I get to read current news that focuses on topics like politics, entertainment, fashion, sports, technology, cooking, and travel. All I have to do is choose a news article that interests me and it will guide me to a website that shows this news article. I read a variety of news that is happy, sad, mysterious, controversial, factual, and didactic. There are more topics than the ones I mentioned above, but in order to access those newer topics, I have to use an account like Google or Facebook to go further in the app. I never did it because I do not want to do it. It is not bad to do so, but I just have this feeling to not do so.
I usually read one news article per day. I do this because I want to do many things within a day. It is one of the shortest hobbies that I do. The length of the news article and my reading speed both determine how much time I spend on reading the news article. Whatever news article that I read, they are very interesting and worth to learn about. It helps me catch up with the world. There are many things going on the world these days that I am unaware of. It is good of me to do so because I feel like I am part of the world by reading what these journalists, celebrities, witnesses, victims, scientists, athletes, chefs, and travelers have seen, heard, or experienced in their lives. It only takes one left flip to discover unbelievable and unexpected aspects of the world.