Raise your hand if you've ever heard of AmazonSmile. No, not Amazon, but AmazonSmile.
Sure, we all know about Amazon. Who else would we go to when we desperately need to order that walrus onesie? They are basically taking over the world.
However, do you ever feel like "Wow I wish something actually good was coming from my purchase of 20 Kim Possible slap bracelets!" (Besides serving straight looks).
That's where AmazonSmile comes in. On AmazonSmile, a percentage of your purchase goes to the charity of your choice.
But how do you do it? It is literally as simple as typing in smile.amazon..com instead of amazon.com. It's the same website and same products, but now it is benefitting something besides yourself. You can shop normally and select your charity or organization at checkout.
Charity options are abundant, ranging from local to national organizations.
For example, my charity is Heather's Closet, a local charity from my hometown dedicated to combating domestic violence.
So if you wanna feel good about shopping and actually do something for the benefit of others.
Type in those five extra letters and shop AmazonSmile.