These are the words that somebody at the University of South Carolina were met with on their first day of classes, which also happened to be the after Martin Luther King Day. I’m not going to waste anyone’s time explaining why these phases are offensive, nor am I going to go into detail about my opinions on racism and using derogatory phrases to describe groups of people. If you don’t understand why racism is wrong, based on everything you’ve ever learned about it up until this point, I want to get personal with you and try to bring about that understanding.
I would like to write an open letter to whoever posted these flyers on our campus and to anyone who may feel the same way as that person. For your understanding, I will be substituting the words “African-American” with the phrase “stupid monkey” (since the word monkey to describe those of African-American descent has been used so often recently).
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To Whom It May Concern:
I want to start by introducing myself. My name is Madison Hilliard and I am a student at the University of South Carolina. I am of mixed race. My beautiful mother is white and my equally beautiful father is a stupid monkey. I was raised in a mixed family household so my two older brothers, my older sister, and my father’s entire family is filled with many stupid monkeys. Family matters; but, you obviously know this because those who come from families of stupid monkeys matter to you so much that you needed to post it for all to see.
You care about stupid monkeys a lot; it seems like you have thought about them in depth recently. You went out of your way to try and hurt stupid monkeys and everyone else with family, loved ones, and acquaintances who are stupid monkeys by using such strong language.
If you cannot tell by now, your words don’t bother me; your hate does. I don’t know who taught you hate but you were taught it in the capacity of racism. Hate outdates racism and any other offensive derogatory names you want to call my family, my friends, and myself.
I’m sure you’ve been told that racism is wrong, a lesson of which you ignored, but I am here to tell you that hate is what is really wrong. I want to offer you my compassion, to show my love for you as a human, rather than showing you the same hate that you have shown me and everyone else offended by your words.
I want to point out how we are similar. I am a student at the University of South Carolina too. I am here to learn and hopefully have a degree someday too. Like you, I also feel as if I should be able to voice my opinions to everyone. I’m human just like you!
The difference between us is that I want to spread a message of love not hate. I’m so sure that love is right that I’m willing to put my name on this article. You seem slightly unsure, considering you have not identified yourself or taken credit for your words.
In truth, I would rather be called a stupid monkey and a dumb black ass than hateful any day. I refuse to give your words any power, just as anyone else who loves all the black monkeys in their lives should too.
SEE ALSO: A University Of Alabama Student Is Under Fire For Using The N-Word On Her Finsta
So here I am, posting my opinion on you and your choices, for the entire university and world to see. Your racist remarks are a direct byproduct of your mentality to hate. I used your words in replacement for mine because your hate offended me, not your words (which I know you were hoping would hurt me and everyone else a lot). In conclusion, I hope you find a love like my family and friends of all races have taught me.
In hopes that anyone reading this has learned anything and not understood what I am saying:
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." — Martin Luther King Jr.