In high school I always complained about how I hated growing up in a small town. I thought my classes were too small, the people knew me too well, and it was very different from the high schools surrounding us. However, after leaving high school and coming to college, I realized just how much going to a small school has shaped me into the person I am today. I have learned to not only appreciate my high school but grow to miss it and love it. So, here's the reasons why I loved growing up in a small town.
1. I formed personal relationships with my teachers.
Given the fact I had the same teachers since I was in seventh grade, they all knew me very well. They knew that math wasn't my strong suit and I needed extra time. They knew that I was involved with speech and cheerleading and often asked me how those events were going. They smiled and talked to me in the halls. They called my mom and expressed their concerns if they ever had worries about me. At a big school students feel lucky if they get to know one teacher. At my school I was fortunate enough to know every single teacher, and everything about their lives as well. To this day they still text me (yes I even have their numbers) and ask how I am doing.
2. We had small town events that got us out of class.
Whether this was getting out of class to watch a tractor parade, having a pep fest, having the Ag Olympics, or simply hanging out with elementary kids, we found ourselves doing much more outside the classroom.
3. We could be involved in many activities.
This is something that you will not be able to find at a big school. During my time at high school, I participated in over 11 activities. I was able to be involved in softball while also performing in the high school play. I was apart of National Honor Society while being a part of the band. The opportunities the students receive in a small school are ones that make the high school experience a very unique one. It has helped shape me into a more well rounded student.
4. We know how to have a good time.
You can guarantee that in small town USA we would be sitting by a fire listening to country music. We knew how to light up the dance floor every time Cotton Eyed Joe or Big Green Tractor came on. We would go out on the pontoon laughing until we felt sick or go cliff jumping for a sense of adventure. We found ways to entertain ourselves in the small town, that is ours.
5. You know everything about everyone.
As mentioned before, when I was in high school, this is something I did not like. However, now I realize what an asset that was to me. I went to the same school with the same kids since I was four years old. As you can imagine, this lead to many close and personal relationships. I never had to worry about making friends because I already knew everyone in my grade like they were my family. Even if you didn't like someone, you had every single class and activity together. This helped me learn how to forgive and how to accept people for who they are. You don't have to like everyone but you do have to respect them and know that they will be a presence in your life. That's a skill you would not be able to learn in a big school because you can simply find a way to avoid them. You find a way to love those around you and create deep and lasting relationships. Relationships that still last to this day.
While my high school experience was very different from a typical experience, I wouldn't want it any other way. It has helped me in so many different ways and has created memories that I will treasure forever. I will always be grateful for the amazing people I've spent basically my entire life knowing. And I will always be proud of that fact that I grew up in small town USA!