Donald Trump's victory achieved 279 electoral votes but without the popular vote. This has pleased self-identified Trump supporters that are harassing minorities, and calling for more organized white supremacy.
Utah high schools have several reports of Latino students being bullied according to CNN. One student whose parents are Mexican immigrants said she was told, “You wetbacks need to go back to Mexico.” Another instance occurred in which slurs and pro-Trump slogans were scrawled in a high school in Minnesota. Furthermore, The Klu Klux Klan white supremacist group is openly canvassing for new members in Birmingham, Alabama, where flyers were scattered in driveways on the morning after the election says CNN news.
All these acts of hatred and discrimination should have been norm, or even expected in a Trump presidency. Trump has harbored these beliefs since the beginning of his campaign. However, many of his supporters remain gullible and unaware that this is now the reality of America. America will have racial slurs that are normalized in society.
There is an argument that can also be brought, that Trump only wants to kick out 'illegal immigrants'., in hear that they may sacrifice the security and safety of our country. What Trump needs to be aware, is that the sole purpose of any president should be to rid or jail people who are a threat to national security. he alienates an entire religion, race, and blames them for our country's issues. Singling out a race to 'save the white population is completely horrendous, and in many times, defeats the purpose. There have been studies reporting that criminals participate in their life of crime when they are isolated from their communities, and familites. Islation will only grow the problem. it is nevetr the correct way to address our country's issues.