Why You Should Go To Hoops For The House As Told By High School Musical GIFs | The Odyssey Online
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Why You Should Go To Hoops For The House As Told By High School Musical GIFs

Why You Should Go To Hoops For The House As Told By High School Musical GIFs

The sisters of Alpha Delta Pi will be holding a basketball tournament for their Spring philanthropy event. All proceeds from the tournament will go towards the Ronald McDonald House charities.

Now when I think of basketball, I think of a lot of things. I think of Kobe Bryant (I really hope he's a basketball player), Space Jam, and Aaron Carter's "That's How I Beat Shaq". But, most importantly I think of Troy, the Wildcats and High School Musical. Thus, I decided the best way to shamelessly advertise for my chapter's philanthropy event would be through High School Musical GIFs.

So, here is why you should attend ADPi's Hoops for the House event as told by High School Musical GIFs:

1. It's going to be as fun, if not more fun, as this HSM dance move.

2. It will give all you ex high school basketball stars a chance to get your head in a game.

3. It's for an AMAZING cause, and you'll feel bad if you don't support it.

**You're feeling so wrong because you didn't go.**

4. The sisters of ADPi want you to be there, but, more importantly, Zac wants you to be there.

5. You just may meet your *~*SoUl MaTe*~* there.

**Disclaimer: ADPi doesn't promise to deliver soul mates only basketball.**

6. As a Penn and Greek community, we should all support each other.

7. Because, like Gabrielle, maybe you've always wanted try something new, LIKE BASKETBALL; BASKETBALL IS FUN.

**Yasss Gabrielle, play basketball and support RMHC!**

8. Helping charities feels goooooooood.

9. It's almost laughable to not attend.

^Zac agrees.

10. Zac + ADPi + the children at Ronald McDonald House will be real upset if you don't come.

So, just do yourself a favor, be smart and go.

Zac and I can't wait to see you there!!


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