If you go or have went to James Madison Universty you truly understand what FROG week is. For those who don't know, FROG week is JMU'S welcome week for the incoming freshmen. It takes place the week before classes start, right before all of the upperclassmen move in to campus. You get assigned two FROGS for each floor of your residence hall, then for a week your hall mates and you participate in activities and different programs until Sunday with your FROGs. FROG= First year Orientation Guide.
My Experience
Move-in Day was the scariest. Moving into a new scenery can be scary especially if you don't know anyone. I felt alone and scared considering the fact that I was a minority here and I didn't know anyone but my roommate. So in the process of moving in, I spotted a frog post-it on my door that said, "Hi We're Matt and Sarah your FROGs, meet us in the lobby @ 6 p.m." So that I did, we all met and introduced ourselves to everyone and played icebreakers. At first, that's all that FROG Week felt like but then as the week continued on all the programs and activities really started to bond everyone together. By the end of FROG week, my hall-mates and I really got to know each other and had each others' back.
My Advice To The Upcoming Freshmen of JMU
Once you move in your FROGs will give you a calendar of all the events. Even though you may feel like you're tired, you should definitely go. There will always be parties and there will always be more events off campus. FROG week only happens once as a freshman so try your hardest to be involved.2. GET TO KNOW YOUR FROGS
Try to establish a relationship with your frogs. Get to know them and ask them their stories. Ask them how their freshman year was and see if they can help you relate to things. Your frogs really become your mentor throughout your freshman year so try to establish that friendship so they can really guide you.
The purpose of FROG week is to help you transition into college easier. Be sure to make the most of it and try to actually meet people. FROG week will become one of your best experiences at JMU if you allow it. Meet new people and be open to new friendships. Stay in contact with your FROGS and your hall-mates.