I'm sure we’ve all figured out by now that Disney has been working on multiple live action reboots of their classic movies that we all love and grew up with. I'm sitting here wondering if maybe it's because they are running out of ideas for new movies or, perhaps, they just decided that live action reboots were the newest trend for 2016-2017. To be honest, I guess I don’t REALLY care that much because if you’re as much of a Disney fanatic as I am, then you don’t mind all the reboots because it gives you a chance to relive your joy for some of your favorite movies. So for all my fellow Disney addicts out there, I have relieved you the stress of searching high and low all over the internet to find the list of reboots that are on their way to theaters. Listed below are all the ones that I could find and their release dates; you’re welcome.
1. Beauty and The Beast (March 17, 2017)
I know that everyone and their mother is beyond excited for this reboot in particular, and I think that at least half of the reason is because Emma Watson is playing Belle. Honestly, I don’t think there is anyone in this entire world more perfect for this role, but it also doesn’t hurt that Emma Watson is just perfect in general.
2. The Lion King
I can’t contain my excitement for this particular reboot because it is hands down my absolute favorite Disney movie of all time, and EVERYONE knows it. It was a more recent announcement from the Disney makers, so I haven’t been able to find a release date for this one, but there have been rumors that there might be a slight adjustment to the plot as well as a few new characters. Maybe this time, they won't kill off Mufasa.
3. 101 Dalmatians (2018)
I know what you’re thinking. “They’ve already made a live action for this movie,” but they decided to do another more recent one and it's starring Emma Stone as Cruella de Ville, so, of course it’s worth it. Besides, there have been multiple remakes for Cinderella, and I don’t see anyone complaining about that reboot.
4. Mulan (November 2, 2018)
I remember seeing something on Tumblr about how Disney should reboot Mulan, but instead of using CGI for Mushu as expected, they have Eddie Murphy in a dragon costume. I thought it was the greatest idea ever. But seriously, I'm also incredibly excited for this reboot not only because I think the plot is original but because the songs are some of the best, right behind Tarzan and The Lion King.
5. Peter Pan
Despite the fact that I think this reboot will be just as magical as the others, I'm sort of slightly over all the remakes of Peter Pan. There are at least 4 other remakes, and although they all have slightly different plots than the original, I think that I would rather the creators put their energy into a different movie that doesn’t have multiple other remakes.
6. Tink
Since Peter Pan is getting its own reboot, it's only fair that his sassy sidekick gets her own live action movie as well. I don’t think sidekicks get enough recognition, so I have to admit that I am more excited for this one that I am for Peter Pan himself; sorry not sorry. There has also been talk that Reese Witherspoon will be playing Tinkerbell. Reese Witherspoon is perfect in almost every way, and I’ve loved every movie she has ever been in; I don’t expect this one to be any different.
7. Snow White
Since I'm being completely honest throughout this entire article, I will admit that I do not like Snow White, never have and probably never will, at least not this version. I know that there is already a live action movie staring Kristen Stewart, and I did actually like those movies. However, for this reboot, it's rumored that instead of Snow White being the star of the movie, it will actually be Snow’s sister Rose Red and her journey with the dwarfs while snow is ‘dead’ after taking a bite of the apple. Maybe I'll like this plot more than the original.
8. Anastasia
I realize that Anastasia isn't a Disney film but it was as much a part of my childhood as the rest of the movies stated above and although it isn't getting a live action reboot, it is coming to Broadway which I think is just as exciting! I'm not a Broadway junkie like some of my other sorority sisters but I do appreciate and enjoyed the ones that I have seen and I'm counting down the days until I get to see Anastasia and (quietly) sing along to all my favorite songs.