If you've ever felt insecure or inferior about yourself and your body due to society's view of what women should look like, this post is for you.
I am sticking a huge middle finger up to society's view of my body today. I am so sick and tired of the world telling me how I should look and how my body should look, because last time I checked, it was my body. I love the way I look. I may not have huge boobs, but that doesn't make me less attractive. A girl with a small butt is not less appealing than a girl with a big one. There are so many different types of bodies that a woman can have and narrowing it down to one is not okay.
Growing up, I was always insecure about my body, specifically my small boobs. I was constantly facing a world that was telling me I was undesirable without huge boobs. The only way I was going to have this was if I had them done, which was never going happen because that is way out of budget. The fact that the thought of having boobs to please a man even crossed my mind is not and will never be okay.
I was not put on this earth to please a man. I was put on this earth for so much more, but society's constant views of women's bodies made me feel as if I shouldn't look the way I do. The constant sexualization of women's bodies on television, magazines, and movies was making me feel ugly and insecure and inferior to women who had the big boobs and butt and the skinny waist. Congratulations to those women though, ya'll are hot!
Thankfully, I've learned that a woman's body does not define her. Whether we have small boobs and a big butt, or big boobs and a small butt, or small boobs and a small butt, or pear shaped, or apple shaped, or whatever other ridiculous fruit shapes they label women's bodies, none of it defines who we are and what we have to offer. Because no matter what our shape is, we have a ton to offer the world, but the world needs to stop staring at our bodies to see it.
The world is so focused on appearance, so it often forgets that women are so much more than just pretty faces.
It has taken me 21 years to fall in love with my small boobies and my thick thighs, and whether a man likes that or not doesn't matter anymore. It's about who I am not what I look like, and until society can stop staring at my huge ass and look at what I have to offer, I'll be keeping my middle finger up.