If you've ever heard the words "We're heading Up North this weekend." you're probably in Michigan in July.
Be it Tahquamenon Falls, Mackinaw, or Traverse City, ain't no feeling quite like crossing the Zilwaukee Bridge into heavily wooded paradise. (Especially if you hold your breath in the car for the duration of the drive over the bridge. Pure Michigan, y'all.)
Up-North Michigan is the cooliest.
Yes, the cooliest, and here are three really good reasons why:
1) You can have the forest and the beach in arms length of each other.
Can you step on a pine needle with you left foot and sink your right into sand simultaneously? Not in LA or Boston! That's the norm in Oscoda, and it's called multitasking.
2) Wine Tasting on the Traverse Peninsula. 'Nuff said.
(Unless you don't like wine. Don't worry, Traverse has a ton of solid breweries to check out.)
3) It's a short distance to finding the big-ness of the world, and the small-ness of yourself.
Life has a habit of throwing some nasty curveballs, especially when you're already drowning in exam stress, work stress, love stress, or family stress. But when you're lucky enough to live in Michigan, you can get out of work on Friday, drive a couple hours north, and suddenly life isn't as big as it was earlier. The sheer amount of stars, the hypnotizing tranquility of a Great Lake, or the coziness in a bonfire is enough to take the edge off of any stress life could offer. That's just the magic of the Mitten.
So please, for the sake of your own sanity, ditch the suit, grab some Faygo and a hoodie, and get Up North.
The magic is always waiting for you.