Pixar’s animated film “UP” is about Carl Fredricksen, a widowed retired balloon salesman who is trying to fulfill a lifelong dream of flying his house to Paradise Falls in South America. Adventure and chaos ensues when he encounters a young Wilderness Explorer named Russell, a talking dog named Dug, a “snipe” named Kevin, and world-famous explorer named Charles Munts.
This movie is one of my all-time personal favorites. It’s hilarious, sweet and instills the sense of adventure into all of us. Here are a few of its best moments:
It was one of Russell's very first quotes of the movie and he says it all: "The wilderness must be explored." Not only the wilderness, but the world as well. Get out of your comfort zone and wander. See what our earth has to offer.
You've heard it since elementary school: "Cross your heart and hope to die." It's as serious as a pinky promise. As Ellie said, "You crossed your heart, you promised. No backing out."
Life can get tough. Make sure you always have a spare chocolate bar to comfort you or help you think. Especially when you're hiking through the jungle.
Obviously dogs are awesome. But a talking dog? Dug's quotes are some of the best from the movie. He's full of love, will protect Carl and Russell at all costs and always wants to be a friend (even if he has just met you).
Some people are into scrapbooking or Instagram-ing. Start an "Adventure Book" to document the important moments. And remember to share it with your friends (just like Ellie did with Carl) so they can start one too!
Mr. Fredricksen was there for Russell when other people in his life couldn't be. Never forget about the people who have supported you throughout your life. Thank them for everything that they do.
My favorite quote is the one that has also left the biggest impression on me: "Adventure is out there." You'll never know what the day will hold. As they say, "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."
No matter what you want to do in life, no matter where you want to go, "UP" will always be there to remind you of what's important: love, friendship and adventure.