So finals week is over and you might be trying to find ways to unwind after being stressed for a week straight. Here's a list of the top ten ways to unwind after completing your finals. I own none of this gifs. This list is in no particular order. I hope it brings you some joy and laughter.
1. Listen to music.
This is my go to after I stress. Music always makes me feel better.
2. Call or talk to your mom.
My mom is like one of my best friends. Typically after going through a stressful situation I give her a call. She always is there to listen and give me sage advice.
3. Hang with friends.
Friends always seem to bring out the best in me. My friends always know how to make me smile. :)
4. Watch a tv show or movie.
This gif is literally me. All I can talk about is tv shows. Just ask anyone that knows me. I'm always binge watching something.
5. Sleep!
Seriously do this. Many people sadly lose sleep because of stress and finals. It's not good and healthy to lose sleep. Sleep! Your body will thank you!
6. Organize for next semester.
I am a nerd to my core. I tend to get ready early or miserably fail to, but I always like to try and get a head start on planning.
7. Do something creative.
Read, write, paint, etc. Possibly wait to do the writing. Your hand still might be hurting from finals.
8. Eat!
Eating always is a good thing. I always feel better after eating.
9. Take a walk outside. Get some fresh air.
Your body will thank you again for being active. You'll be able to think about something else if you just walk and listen to the outside world.
10. Breathe!
You've made it through finals. You're still alive! Congrats!