Before I get into this, let me clarify that I know the definition of feminism. It is the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of equality of the sexes. I get it, so don't tell me in response to this article that I am a feminist by definition. While I support both women's rights and equality of both sexes, I do not support the extreme that feminism has been taken to. I may have been considered a feminist back when women didn't have rights and were fighting for them, but I do not consider myself to be one today and these are my reasons why.
1. Today, feminism is taken to a whole new extreme. I understand that there are women who identify as feminists who are very respectful and civil about the topic. However, a majority of the people I have spoken to who identify as feminists try to cram their feelings of the topic down my throat and turn me off to the topic even more than I already am. So many feminists are radical and have given the label 'feminist' a bad reputation that I do not want to be associated with. If you want to call yourself a feminist, that's great. I, however, do not prefer to be labeled as such and that's okay too.
2. Feminists are fighting for women's rights. I support that as a woman. But as a woman, I also do not feel that my rights have been taken away from me. I have the right to vote. I have the right to get an education. I have the right to own property. I have the right to earn fair and equal wage (Yes, earn. This means you get equal pay by working as hard as others. I've seen it done.). Women are entitled to all of these rights, which are normally just called human rights because both men and women have them.
3. I do not believe that society tells me what I am and am not allowed to do as a woman in a family setting. Many people are under the impression that they are expected to be a stay at home mom and care for their children and spouse as their job. There are many working moms in today's world and no one is telling them that they're required to stay home. I don't know why you would have a problem with wanting to stay home and be with your kids, anyways, but that's not the point. Raising children is a lot of hard work and in my opinion, it's a task that every woman should be proud of. It's probably one of the most difficult jobs offered. That does not mean that you can't still go out and get a job outside of raising your children, though. No one is saying you're not allowed, but I do believe that there are jobs men were created to do that women weren't, just as there are jobs women were made to do that men weren't.
4. I am not a victim of anything other than feminists. I've been torn down by many who identify as feminists. This is probably the most influential aspect of my decision not to take on the label 'feminist.' When people who identify as such hear me say that I'm not a feminist, they want to argue and tell me why I am a feminist. Many tend to be very aggressive and try to make me feel like I am less of a woman for this. I have also been told that I "will never change the world or help it progress." There are two problems with this. The first is that they're supposed to be supporting women making their own choices, but are discouraging me and taking away my right to choose what I am labeled and defined as. They don't allow me to make my own choice when it comes to what I identify as. It's okay to disagree, but telling me I am a feminist whether I like it or not is not supportive. The second problem is that you're not empowering me as a woman by telling me I will never make a difference in the world just because I am not a feminist. I don't need a label to make a difference in the world. I don't have to call myself a feminist to be a strong, independent woman. I simply believe that there are much larger issues facing the U.S. such as the economy, terrorism, crime and violence, and illegal immigration. People are different and have different concerns and that's fine. Let me worry about my choice of issues while you go on worrying about your own.
I will restate this because I know someone will bring it up as an argument... I know the definition of feminism. I also know all feminists aren't radical. I just believe that the radical feminists have given the label a negative image and I choose not to partake in the title. I do not want to be looked down upon by association with the group of people labeled 'feminist' that have done their part in telling me I do not have a say in what or who I am and who have told me I will never make a difference in the world. Feminism has been taken too far to an entirely new extreme where it is now considered a dirty word, and that is why I decide not to take the label. It does not mean that I don't support women or equality.
I don't need feminism to empower other women.
I don't need feminism because I define myself and derive my value by my own standards.
I don't need feminism because I am not a victim.
I don't need feminism because equality of opportunity already exists.
I am not a feminist, and that is not a crime.