Let's un*uck this world together :)
It is chaotic and noisy, this world,
If a voice soothes, listen to it.
It is unfair and egocentric,
If someone cares, feel it.
It is dangerous and cruel,
If someone protects, envelop it.
It is competitive and aggressive,
If someone’s kind, cherish it.
It is dubious and skeptical,
If someone believes, reason it.
It is confined and dependent,
If you’re suffocating, choke it.
It is jealous and insecure,
If you’re brilliant, crush it.
It is weary and exhausted,
If you’re hell-bent, strengthen it.
It is pessimistic and dejected,
If your mind dreams, let it.
It is dismissive and derisive,
If an opportunity knocks, grasp it.
It is lonely and forsaken,
If someone walks along, embrace it.
It is conniving and scheming,
If someone trusts, keep it.
It is fearful and paranoid,
If you see a chance, take it.
It is angry and grumpy,
If someone smiles, smile back.
It is dejected and heartbroken,
If you fall in love, risk it.
It is judgemental and segregated,
If you’re eccentric, go with it.
It is brutal and destructive,
If you’re a creator, build it.
It is violent and abusive,
If you’re wounded, fight it.
It is feeding off the past,
If you have a present, celebrate it.
It is longing and thirsty,
If someone leads you to the spring, sink in.
It is petrified and apprehensive,
If your heart is a daredevil, foster it.
It is ashamed and apologetic,
If your body disagrees, flaunt it.
It is poor and begging,
If you’re able, enrich it.
It is trapped and enslaved,
If you seek freedom, get it.
It thinks hurt is irreparable,
Repair it.
It considers wrong irreversible,
Reverse it.
It is screwed up and really screwed up,
Change it!