This is kind of a heavy topic, so brace yourselves. I am going to dig deep into the phenomena of gossip. Gossip has been around the human race for ages and is sewn into everyone. Gossip can mean many things, but I am defining it as sharing any information about people, that is usually derogatory, that you wouldn’t want to tell to their face. I’ll be the first to admit to y’all, that I’m not this perfect girl. I catch myself gossiping all the time, even when I know I shouldn’t be. I think the real reason why we gossip, isn’t because we are terrible human beings who find joy in tearing people down, because we all aren't Blair Waldorf in "Gossip Girl." Gossip usually originates from the need that we as humans have to be acknowledged and accepted.
The topic of gossip can be a very harsh and sore topic for most people. Because deep down even if we won’t admit it, we all do it, and we have all been negatively gossiped about. We all have found ourselves with our friends with an overwhelming urge to tell them the latest drama. Then all of a sudden, this flood of word-vomit flows out of our mouths, aiding in the wreckage of someones reputation and feelings through spreading rumors. Not only is this ‘first-hand’ gossip of sharing rumors cruel, even the simple act of listening to someone gossiping, means you too are guilty by association. If you never actually address your friends as they are gossiping to you or a group, you are listening and enabling them to continue. You have the power as a friend to stop the infectious spread of rumors, rather than just sitting on the sidelines.
Something I grew up hearing from my mom is to think in that moment before gossiping and while listening to gossip: Are the words I’m about to speak and hear helpful or hurtful? Our first response is to think about ourselves and how this may effect our reputation, which is a completely valid thought. But, what this actually means, and what I’m referring to, is if the information is helping or hurting the persons being talked about. Gossip usually uses misinformation to denigrate people and is most likely a false representation of a situation. We should strive to build one another up, instead of tearing each other down.
I think something so important that every person needs to have a grasp on when it comes to gossiping, is knowing when to speak and when to stay silent. There is always room to learn the importance of a silent heart. We all at some point will come to realize we need to try to catch our tongues, stop, and think before we speak. I, for one, want to work to better myself and the words that come out of mouth. Will you join me in the journey?
“Do not let any unwholesome take come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” Ephesians 4:29 (NIV)
“May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer.” Psalms 9:14 (NIV)
“Do not let my heart, Lord; keep watch over the doors of my lips.” Psalms 141:3