There’s beauty in the storm,
A bold lip, a quirk of a smile,
That you need not look hard to find.
The fight within
Can only be witnessed
By those who truly choose to see,
The strength of a hug or a laugh, consumed in the joy of a single moment,
Hold me, don’t touch me,
Let go, never go away,
I’m whole as long as I say I am,
Because she’s just a girl
With a heart made of gold
Plotting along through a world turned upside down,
Refusing to succumb to a society-made mold
And she’s on a mission
Searching, going, running, shouting,
Listening is harder than it seems sometimes,
Feeling the words vibrate in her head,
“Does anybody understand?!”
A flip of a switch, a shout in the storm,
Until a hand reaches out,
And miraculously someone’s attached to it…...