“Tell the world that Jesus lives”. As a Christian, we are to tell the world about our savior, and there is nothing more that I would rather do.
As a believer of Christ, I committed to serving Jesus for the rest of my life. Because of this commitment, my life has changed tremendously. I have never been happier, and I have never felt so comforted before in my entire life. There is no love as deep or as strong as the love of Jesus Christ and I want everyone to know that a love like that does exist. There is not one human being who can make me want to take back any statement from this post.
I want everyone to know that the story of Jesus isn’t just a story. It is so much more than that. The story of Jesus is a history of a living person and it does not get enough credit.
I want everyone I know to know Jesus because HE loves you and he craves your attention. His love is so crazy huge for you that he died….. FOR YOU. He died so you could see what true love is like. He died in front of his friends and family. He went without a fight. He died so that you could live. Let me repeat that: HE DIED FOR YOU TO LIVE. Does that not make you so ecstatic? Someone was willing to die for you so he could show how deep his love for you was. That’s so amazing and so inspiring. I only pray that one day I can show his life through mine because that’s what he would want I my life.
I want everyone to know Jesus because he was a person just like we are. He lived on the same earth that we did, and he went through some of the same basic struggles that we are going through. Although he didn’t go through the materialistic things that we go through, he lived struggles of hurt, pain, disappointment, denial, everything that we have; yet his heart was still so big that he was willing to give his life up for our selfish selves.
I want you to know Jesus because I have gone through the pain you have. I have gone through the feelings of not being loved, and not feeling like I was enough. I have wanted and urged and longed to be someone who everyone wanted to know. I have desired to have every ounce of my being known by one person and by someone who loves me for all that I am. Jesus gave me all of this. All you need to feel this is to open your heart and let the very person who made you dwell in your soul. It is the greatest thing anyone of us could ever imagine, and it’s all given by one person: Jesus Christ himself.