As a senior graduating in six weeks (internally crying and screaming) I have been hard at work searching for a job to start my career at. Let me tell you searching for a job is no cakewalk. I knew that searching and finding a real world job would be hard but I didn’t realize it would be THIS HARD. I did pretty well in school, had multiple jobs and two internships related to the career I want to pursue but for most jobs that just doesn’t cut it. It seems that every job post I come across says entry level and then lists qualifications asking you to have 20 years of experience and have a bunch of awards and accomplishments when you’re only about 22 years old. I don’t know about you other seniors but to me all the job postings for entry level positions require qualifications that look a lot like this…
1. New college grad
2. 7-10 years experience
3. One year at PR agency
4. One year at start up
5. One year in restaurant
6. One year in retail
7. Must be blood type O-
8. At least 3.9 GPA
9. Nobel Peace Prize winner (will consider nominees)
What I actually have:
1. Triple major: must have at least Astronomy and Graphic Design
2. Have traveled to all 50 states (will consider only 48 states)
3. Volunteered as tribute for Hunger Games
4. Graduated from a top university
5. Have a Masters in different area than which you majored in
6. Olympic medalist (gold preferred)
7. Must do community service at least 15 hours a week
8. Must speak at least two languages, Hindi and Portuguese a plus
9. Must know how to do yo-yo tricks
10. Microsoft Office experience
11. Be able to type 1000 wpm
12. Familiar with QOZ, LTY and WVC
13. Must have climbed Mt. Everest
14. Must have low salary expectations![]()
15. Must play at least one musical instrument
16. Started your own non-profit
17. Have won Survivor
18. Wear glasses but have 20/20 vision
19. Must have won a food eating contest
20. Must be analytical
21. Must work well with team
22. Must be easy to train
23. Must be independent
24. Must be funny
25. Must have pilot license
26. Will accept muggles, but prefer wizards
27. Link to portfolio with 10 years of work required
*Do not apply if you do not have any of these skills*Good luck to all my fellow 2016 graduates that are still on the hunt for a job, you will actually meet the requirements one day!