I'm sitting on my couch on the eve of my junior year of college, and trying to put all my emotions into place. I wish I could say I had some sort of wise, inspirational advice to give, like "live every moment as if you'll never get it back". Or even some practical advice, like "don't buy your books from the bookstore because they're too expensive". I'm not much of a wise, inspirational guy. I'm not even that much of a practical guy. However, I am forcing myself to put together a list of a few things that I've learned throughout my schoolboy life that I think could come in handy for you.
1. Make your college experience all your own.
College is one of the most heavily anticipated chapters in a person's life. You've seen movies, heard stories, and built your own college fantasy based on those things. I don't know that anyone's college fantasy matches their college reality. My advice is to make college work for you. Go into with an open mind, but don't let it change you into something you're not. If you don't like going to parties, don't go to parties. If you'd rather stay in the dorm and watch a movie, don't feel bad, like you're not getting the "college experience". The college experience will vary from person to person. If you change your mind and want to try a party, go for it! College is yours for the taking.
2. Do your homework, go to class, and study ... seriously.
This may seem like a given. You may be sitting there, saying, "Duh. This idiot writer just told me to study during college", but take it from me, it's not always easy. I've had my fair share of trouble with grades in college, and it's shocked me more than anyone. I always had A's in high school and expected that to continue in college. High school and college are different, however. Personally, I never had to study in high school, and going to class was never a problem because you legally have to go. College is different. No one is there to force you to go to class, and my bed always sounded a lot more comfortable than a cold classroom chair at 9am. The material is harder, and you have to develop some good study skills. I had to learn all this the hard way, but you don't have to!
3. Relationships in college are complicated.
I would say avoid relationships altogether in college, but we both know that's not going to happen. If at all possible, though, make sure to keep your guard up. Not everyone is going to have your best intentions in mind when it comes to love. Relationships in college are complex and messy. They seem mature, but they aren't. They seem like they're forever, but they rarely are. I've seen far too many hearts shattered on dorm room floors, and far too many people attached to those who couldn't care less about them.
4. Don't conform.
This goes back to No. 1, but I just want to hammer it home. You're going into this year of college as a beautiful, unique wildflower. Don't let anyone make you change your color, or tell you that you're growing the wrong way. Make decisions that YOU want to make. Do the things YOU want to do. College is an exciting time of making discoveries and finding friends, but don't sacrifice yourself for the sake of false friends and dead-end discoveries. Allow your comfort zone to be stretched, but never dissolved. Maintain who you are, while still allowing yourself to realize who you will become.