You shouldn't move out right after college. | The Odyssey Online
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​Country Music Hurts My Ears​, And 14 Other Hot Takes That Are 100 Percent Valid

Crooning and melodramatic songs just aren't my style, SORRY.

Real Housewives GIF
Warner Bros. Television

 Society has become way too sensitive.

Sorry not sorry, but some people really need to hear this: it's beyond great that we live in a world now where we can share our opinions and be who we want to be in a mostly judge-free zone. But shoving those views down other people's throats and getting easily offended just because of a misuse of word choice is getting a little out of control.

"Parks and Recreation" > "The Office"


Unpopular opinion, but the wholesome-ness of Leslie Knope and the iconic character of Ron Swanson beat out Dunder Mifflin by just a smidge in my book.

Heavy and/or colorful makeup isn't all that pretty-looking.

Neutral colors and more natural-looking makeup is WAY more beautiful from my perspective, but you can never go wrong with an appropriate bold eye!

 My birthday actually makes me feel a certain kind of sad.


Ever since I was little I've had a feeling of pure sadness in the pit of my stomach every time my special day rolls around. It's kind of morbid to think about, but it's true nonetheless.

 Soda isn't tasty.

I can honestly live without it... I didn't grow up with soda, so maybe that's why I feel this way. I literally have only tasted Sprite and ginger ale, for the record.

 You shouldn't move out right after college.


Save. Your. Money. and spend some quality time with mom and dad. Your nice apartment, the travel vlogs and all the pillows you can buy will come soon enough.

 Decaf coffee is just as important as regular coffee.

For a 20-year-old girl who physically can't handle regular coffee or cold brew, decaf is an awesome substitute for the good stuff.

Hard-boiled eggs look super gross.


I will NEVER try them. Period.

 Sony shouldn't give Disney/Marvel their 50/50 Spider-Man deal.

I can go on and on about the tug-of-war that my favorite fictional character is going through right now, but all I can say is that Sony shouldn't be the one to blame. You have pretty much the whole media market under your domain, Disney. Share some of the wealth for once (literally).

 Country music is not enjoyable.


I believe all films, TV and music are subjective, but I do think my stance on the country genre is that it's not my cup of tea. I do, however, like some songs like "Girl Crush" by Little Big Town and "Speechless" by Dan+Shay.

 You CAN have breakfast for dinner.

There is nothing wrong with having some of the best foods in the world at a different time of day - it's still a meal, after all!

 Majors shouldn't be decided before going to college.


Even certain high schools have students declare a major of choice before going to college. While focusing on a specific interest is very exciting and interesting, I think a major should be declared after a bit of exploring. After all, it can save time and some money in the long run.

 You don't have to add salt to every meal you eat.

I didn't really grow up with a salt and pepper shaker being added to the dinner table every night; rather, it was in the cabinet. This may sound crazy, and I love salt as much as the next person, but you shouldn't add extra to a dish - it's just more calories and it makes it less wholesome.

 Paper straws are useless.


I'm all for making the world a cleaner and safer place, but paper straws do nothing for us. They're pretty annoying, actually - am I wrong?

 Little kids shouldn't have phones or iPads.

Maybe it's a generational thing, but children should not be exposed to blue light and the world of social media early on. Honestly, this one should be a law.

Comment below any of your unpopular opinions and if you agree (or agree to disagree) with mine!

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