There’s a beautiful old saying, “Opinions are like assholes” and that’s true in so many ways. They don’t do much harm. They can be very strong, or weak, or in between. No one should have to apologize for having them, unless something terrible comes from them, and it creates a messy situation, and hurts someone -- okay, and there are lots of analogies that one can come up with, but I think it would be best to end the metaphor, here. These are my most unpopular opinions when it comes to pop culture, fashion and all sorts of other trivial things.
- Chipotle is mediocre at best.
- "The Big Bang Theory" is terribly unfunny.
- Jennifer Lawrence isn’t that great.
- All babies look exactly the same, within the first two weeks (at least).
- John Green.
- Fart jokes aren’t funny.
- Channing Tatum is ugly.
- The smell of cigarette smoke is underrated.
- Jennifer Aniston isn’t sexy.
- True Detective’s season two theme is better than the first season’s theme.
- "Orange is the New Black" has not been good since season one.
- Juicy Couture is hideous.
- The tapered eyebrow trend needs to die.
- Leave Ariana Grande’s ponytail alone.
- Ellen’s show needs to be canceled isn’t funny, either.
- Women really do need to stay in the kitchen.
- Instagram vids with girls posing and mouthing words to a song is played out and needs to die as well.
I had Chipotle for the first time in my life the other day and I have to say I truly don’t understand the hype. It wasn’t terrible. I’ve had much better Mexican food for much less.
This is the one that’s going to get me killed. America’s love for Jennifer Lawrence is one of the most uncontroversial, un-polarizing things that exist, nowadays. I might have heard maybe two people (on the internet) say that they don’t think she’s Christ’s female counterpart. Every time I see her on a late night television show, I just think the girl is so obviously hamming it up it’s embarrassing to watch. She knows that by being gorgeous and saying she likes pizza, and showing that she’s quirky, she garners the love of millions and that’s why she does it. That’s cool, though, that’s her shtick. I’ve seen countless women exert all of this effort to be seen as the “different” cute girl before. With J-Law, it’s just the first time that I’ve seen it go so widely unnoticed when it’s so obvious. I’m sure the girl does like pizza and and antique shops and weird, quirky crap, but why she gets the amount of undivided love for it is one of the enigmas of the universe to me.
Stop saying that baby looks just like it’s Daddy you know it’s just a brown blob with no definable features.
He’s all muscle and that’s fine, but that don’t make him fine.
I don’t understand why but I love the smell of cigarette smoke. Not enough to ever try a cigarette but I do find it very nice. I think I just love the smell of burning things in general, actually.
She’s a funny woman, and looks great for 40-something but naming her sexiest alive in that one magazine and the constant obsession I see over her hair (it’s not even “the Rachel” anymore!) is all too much. I don’t know what it is about Jennifer’s being overrated in Hollywood.
While season one’s story, characters and everything was better than season two, I actually do like the theme song from this season the best.
And I do not care about Piper or Alex. You can kill them off now or something. Honestly.
All of it.
It’s a cute look for her! She’s confident in her ponytail so just let her live.
It’s a snoozefest.
I’m kidding you! Don’t worry! I was just checking to see if you were still paying attention.
And that’s about it for my unpopular opinions. If you agree let me know and if you have any of your own comment down below what your unpopular opinions are!