1. Don't use dumbbells at the squat racks.
The squat rack is for bars and squatting. Using your dumbbells to do bench press in the squat rack is inefficient for others. There should plenty of room on the floor for you to take your bench and do dumbbell bench press; even if the gym is busy.
2. Put equipment away.
Although some don't mind, how would you feel if you were a little old lady trying to use the leg press machine, but there are four 45lb weights on it? You think you might be helping the next person by leaving weights on, but that isn't always the case. Just be nice and put the weights away.
3. Don't do a rotation.
Rotation workouts are nice, but please try to refrain from doing, and please don't do it when the gym is busy. It's frustrating when you are trying to use a machine when someone is hogging not only that machine but 5 others. The only appropriate time to do a rotation is the ones such as Planet Fitness' 30-minute workout.
4. Ask to rotate in
If someone is using a machine or cable you need, just ask to rotate in with them. More often than not they will be fine with that. Stealing the machine when they walk away for a sip of water can be rude.
5. Don't stand by the dumbbell rack.
Picking up dumbbells and continuing to do bicep curls or overhead tricep extension in front of the rack is highly annoying. Others would like to be able to get to their weights, but it's too hard when you stand in the way.
6. Put weights back properly.
Nothing is more annoying when someone takes weights off of a machine/bar and puts them out of order. Some people can't get the 5lb plate they need when you stuck a 45lb plate in front of it.
7. Don't block the mirror from someone.
This one can be tricky when the gym is busy, but try to be aware of your position in front of the mirror. Someone might be behind you trying to lift and watch their technique, but you could be blocking the mirror. If there is limited space, try to wait until they are done with their set.
8. Wipe down the equipment after each use.
It's just the hygienic thing to do. No one wants to lay in your sweat or keep taking the time to clean your trail of bodily fluids.
9. Don't get on a cardio machine next to someone.
OK, if the gym is busy this is alright, but most of the time there is plenty of room to spread out. If there is no one in the gym and you come to the treadmill right next to me, it's super uncomfortable and kind of creepy.
10. Wear clean clothes/deodorant.
Although it stinks having to wash so much more laundry, please only wear that outfit to the gym once and then wash it. Sweaty clothes make for a disgusting time, and if you sweat a lot when working out, you should consider bringing a towel with you.
11. Don't grunt or make loud noises.
Seriously, there is no need to grunt. It's not going to make you lift more or seem cool. I promise. Instead, learn how to breathe properly when doing your exercises, and you won't feel the need to grunt.
12. Use equipment wisely
Just because the younger girl next to you lifts more does not mean you need to do heavier weights. The gym is supposed to be a place for you to better yourself, not to compete. Learn to use the appropriate weights for your level and don't strain yourself too much.
13. Don't spend forever on your phone.
I can understand if you need to check a text quick or use your phone for your workout. I used to use my Notes on my phone to keep track of my workouts. What you need to be aware of though, is how much you are on your phone. Refrain from checking social media, and if you have to take a phone call then clean up your area and go to the locker room or outside.
14. Go in the right direction on a track.
If your gym has an indoor track and you use it, please go in the right direction!! If no one is on the track, then on you can choose a direction. However, if others are on the track then go the same way they are. It is super annoying when others decide to run the opposite direction of you and you have to avoid them.
15. Wear the proper clothes!
Although what you wear doesn't completely affect others, it can more than you think. If you are running in super short compression shorts and then decide to pull the wedgie out of your butt, I promise you I will see much more than I needed to. Please be considerate to yourself and others around you when it comes to your clothes.