You don't necessarily need to go to Mega Fair or the Hub to get involved in a student organization. An official one, sure, but there's plenty of unofficial clubs that you'll see on your walks around campus, too.
1. Business students who exclusively wear Vineyard Vines.
I'm lowkey surprised I've never seen something like this on campus.
2. The marching band's sousaphone section.
If you've never heard of "Tuba Truck," just ask literally any marching band member.
3. Lululemon-wearing girls who don't even do yoga.
The good news is that you don't actually have to do yoga in order to wear Lululemon.
4. Architecture students who basically live in Alumni Hall.
Miami University Alumni Association / Twitter
It's their home away from home away from home.
5. Freshmen who go out every single night.
Please stop. There's literally no reason to do this.
6. First semester freshmen but "We're technically sophomores by credits."
Look, that's great and all, but you're still getting lost every 10 seconds, so you're still a freshman.
7. Shorts or no shorts?
I get that t-shirts are comfy, but I've never understood wearing them so big that you can't see your shorts.
8. Those who do nothing but study.
I don't always think professors understand the concept of time.
9. Those who do everything EXCEPT study.
Again, please stop. Why pay $30k a year to just party?
10. Bar goers during "Country Night" at Brick
One night a week, Miami students go crazy with the country stereotype despite our preppy culture.
There are plenty more unofficial clubs around campus if you know where to look. You might even already be in one and not even know it.