Before I start this article, I want to take a moment to explain what I mean by free spirit. The definition of free spirit is; an independent or uninhibited person. By no means am I linking the term hippie with free spirit, those are totally different. So how do you unlock your inner free spirit? It's really simple actually, some of these tips might seems strange but remember, a free spirit is not limited by what your peers or society view as "normal". True free spirits test their comfort zones to ultimately find their key to happiness.
One step you can take to becoming a free spirit is to dance it out. Dance is a way of expressing yourself, and that is what free spirits do. You can even run to a Walmart or any store with a hula hoop and start hoop dancing, and you do not need a bunch of hula hoops, just one will work. Then you start dancing based on how you feel. Dance because you're happy, sad, mad, confused, whatever you're feeling in that moment. That's all you need to be focusing on, take that energy and get creative.
Speaking of getting creative, you don't have to dance if you can't get into that. There's many ways to get creative. You can paint a canvas, doodle on some paper, write a story, photography, or try a new recipe. There are endless possibilities to be creative.
You can also start by doing some yoga or meditation. This will just take your focus away from anything that isn't positive or just to cleans your mind. You can even get creative and kind of silly with this and do handstands against the wall or try different types of handstands against the wall. This not only keeps you active but practices patience and focus which can be good for free spirits.
Lastly, just imagine the possibilities! Just look at the stars at night, the little bit of star dust draped across the sky is one of many signs of endless possibilities. Nothing is unachievable, the universe wants you to succeed in everything you do, and wants to bring you to the highest good. Take a moment to put your full trust into the universe and know that outside your comfort zone brings endless possibilities.
In the end, being a free spirit is inevitably you, being the best you can be. It means taking life's moments as more than just a "perfect instagram post" and know that there are more possibilities out there than you can see at the moment. So understand the stresses and anxieties in the world are no more than road blocks on the road to happiness and to do some handstands, dance with a hula hoop, or draw the biggest picture of a landscape you can draw. What matters is that your soul is free and you feel independent but not lost, you feel at peace. That is how you truly unlock your inner free spirit.