I looked back and marveled how far I'd come. I didn't wonder how I got to where I am today, I already knew the answer.
Only with God's help had I powered through moments in my life that I once thought would prevent me from ever moving forward.
I remember there was a time in my life when I thought I could handle whatever was thrown my way.
I honestly believed that whatever it may be, no matter how heart breaking or difficult, I was strong enough to deal with the issue on my own. After all, I wasn't the one to burden others with my troubles.
It didn't take long for me to realize that my train of thought was completely and utterly flawed and close to derailing off the tracks.
My mind was telling me to deal with my troubles on my own, but God was telling me to bring my hardships to Him.
As soon as I stopped listening to my mind and chose to follow my heart, I instantly felt a weight lift from my shoulders.
This experience reminded me of high school when some of the freshmen would be so worried about getting to class on time that they would cram their book bags with every single book in their locker. Having all their materials they needed for the entire day hypothetically prevented them from being late to class.
I always wondered if carrying around all those books was really worth the strain it put on your back and the exhaustion it most likely brought at the end of the day?
I remember thinking "why not take what you need in increments and come back for the rest when you have room to carry them?"
The same thought process can be applied to our burdens and troubles in life.
Similar to the worried freshmen, carrying with them every single book they own in order not to be late, we carry with us our burdens in order not to place any inconvenience on others.
Learn to place that heavy book bag in your life down and take with you only what you need at the present time. Stop burdening yourself with your troubles and let God carry your heavy load.
Always remember, when we put our problems in God's hands, He puts His peace in our hearts.
Here's a poem I wrote titled "Burdens":
Those mountains you are carrying you were only meant to climb
Trust me, you'll eventually see God's glory, you just need to give it time
Bring your heavy burdens to Him for He's known for making your load light
He'll carry them all in His hands, no matter the weight he'll love you despite
Dont be hesitant to come to Him, for there's no waiting time nor time to waste
He'll double your joys and happiness, for Him its as easy as "copy and paste"
Remember, when God takes you into deep waters its because your enemies cant swim
Run to God in times of trial, for He will make your darkness the opposite of dim
In the Bible it says "let not your heart be troubled" said John fourteen verses one
God will provide you with unending peace, this is why on Christmas He sent His son
So dont forget the simple things I spoke to you and the words of advice I wrote
Always remember, although your boat may be heavy, God will always keep you afloat